Potential basin connectivities

The Pedirka Basin is currently conceptualised as a single continuous flow system. Therefore lateral connectivity with either overlying or underlying basins where hydrogeologically similar lithological units abut is considered possible (Figure 22 and Figure 23). Additionally, a review of the Permian strata presented in Wohling et al. (2013) revealed significant faulting and folding. The faulting structures identified suggest that cross-formational flow between Permian formations, the overlying GAB sequence and underlying Finke Group aquifers may be significant. Such cross-formational flow via faulting was proposed by Wolaver et al. (2013), who suggested a deeper source of groundwater was co-contributing along with GAB-derived groundwater to discharge at the Dalhousie Spring Complex. It was suggested by Wolaver et al. (2013) that this deeper groundwater was being derived from Permian aquifers.

Beyond this information there is little additional groundwater knowledge to establish vertical gradients. Furthermore, there have been no dedicated studies to investigate hydraulic connectivity between the Pedirka Basin and neighbouring basins.

Figure 22

Figure 22 Possible connectivity relationships between the Pedirka and overlying basins

Note: The presented interpretations in this figure are based upon the architecture and composition of the Pedirka Basin as currently understood at the time of this report. Work determining the architecture of the Pedirka Basin is ongoing and subsequent information may alter interpretations of the structure, extent, basin architecture and hydrogeology of the Pedirka Basin in the future.

Figure 23

Figure 23 Possible connectivity relationships between the Pedirka and underlying basins

Note: The presented interpretations in this figure are based upon the architecture and composition of the Pedirka Basin as currently understood at the time of this report. Work determining the architecture of the Pedirka Basin is ongoing and subsequent information may alter interpretations of the structure, extent, basin architecture and hydrogeology of the Pedirka Basin in the future.

Last updated:
5 January 2018
Thumbnail of the Pedirka subregion

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