Potential basin connectivities Underlying and adjacent basins and fractured bedrock aquifers

The Gippsland Basin is completely underlain by older Paleozoic rocks which form the geological basement to the basin strata. Thus, the Gippsland Basin is not directly connected or adjacent to any other sedimentary basins. The uppermost Quaternary sediments are considered part of the Gippsland Basin sequence. There are fractured rock aquifer systems within the Paleozoic basement underlying Gippsland Basin (Sinclair Knight Merz, 2009). Sinclair Knight Merz (2009) reported there are a significant number of bores drilled to basement in the Latrobe Valley and Lake Wellington depressions, and fewer in the Lakes Entrance Platform and Seaspray Depression.

Last updated:
8 January 2018
Thumbnail of the Gippsland bioregion

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