The major datasets used for the development of different regional and for the bioregion-wide three-dimensional models are listed in Table 8. A ‘tick’ denotes that a dataset was used for the development of a specific three-dimensional geological model, whereas a cross indicates that it was not used for this model.
The selection of datasets is primarily based on geographic area. However, it is important to note that datasets that represent an area outside a specific regional three-dimensional modeling domain but borders this area were in many instances still used for the development of a model to avoid model artefacts at the boundary of the model domain. For example, datasets from the Richmond river basin three-dimensional geological model were used to inform the model of the Logan-Albert river basin (and vice versa).
The selection is also related to the decision which hydrostratigraphic units are present in a particular area, and which units should be included in a specific model (Section For example, a decision was made by the Assessment team not to include layers below the Walloon Coal Measures into the groundwater model of the Richmond river basin. The reason for this decision was that the Gatton Sandstone and the Koukandowie Formation are low-yielding aquitards or partial aquifers which contain highly brackish to saline groundwater, and no or very few groundwater bores are screened in these units (Figure 27 in Section 2.1.3 and companion product 2.6.2 for the Clarence-Moreton bioregion (Cui et al., 2016)). Therefore, these deeper layers below the Walloon Coal Measures were not represented in the three-dimensional geological model of the Richmond river basin, as the primary purpose of this model was to provide the layer structure for the numerical model. However, all major layers are represented in the bioregion-wide three-dimensional geological model.
Finally, another important criterion for the dataset selection was the timing when datasets became available for use in the Assessment. Some datasets, even though they are considered useful for the development of a specific regional three-dimensional model, were not available at the time when the model was developed. However, all datasets listed in Table 8 were integrated to inform the bioregion-wide three-dimensional geological model.
Table 8 Key datasets and references used in the development of regional and bioregion-wide three-dimensional geological models
A ‘Y’ indicates that a dataset (or a reference) was used for a particular model, whereas an ‘N’ indicates that it was not used.
athe model domain covers the Lockyer Valley, Bremer river basin and the Warrill Creek catchment
na = not applicable, and these rows refer to reports which provided critical input in the development of the three-dimensional geological models
Product Finalisation date
- 2.1.1 Geography
- 2.1.2 Geology
- Methods
- Observed data
- Statistical analysis and interpolation
- Three-dimensional geological model workflow
- Definition of the stratigraphic column
- Selection of input datasets
- Representation of structural elements in the three-dimensional geological model
- Characterisation of binding horizons of shallow aquifers (alluvium and basalt)
- Characterisation of the bedrock stratigraphic units in the Clarence-Moreton bioregion
- Isopach maps, depth to formation top and depth to base of formation
- Gaps
- References
- Datasets
- 2.1.3 Hydrogeology and groundwater quality
- 2.1.4 Surface water hydrology and water quality
- 2.1.5 Surface water – groundwater interactions
- 2.1.6 Water management for coal resource developments
- Glossary
- Citation
- Acknowledgements
- Contributors to the Technical Programme
- About this technical product