Geological structure

There is a range of datasets (GIS data and publications) available on the geological structure of the Clarence-Moreton Basin, including:

  • Clarence-Moreton SEEBASETM and Structural GIS Project (Geological Survey of NSW) (NSW Department of Primary Industries, Dataset 3). The SEEBASE data provide an indication of the entire depth to basement across the entire Clarence-Moreton bioregion, but the reliability of the depth estimate is highly variable
  • seismic data (previously mentioned)
  • Queensland geology and structural framework (Geological Survey of Queensland) (Geological Survey of Queensland, Dataset 23)
  • Petroleum prospectivity of the Clarence-Moreton Basin in NSW (Ingram and Robinson, 1996)
  • Geology and petroleum potential of the Clarence-Moreton Basin, NSW and Queensland (O’Brien and Wells, 1994)
  • Metgasco fault mapping (derived from reprocessed seismic data, provided in commercial confidence by Metgasco) showing faults that are present in different stratigraphic formations
Last updated:
8 January 2018
Thumbnail images of the Clarence-Moreton bioregion

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