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- Bioregional Assessment Program
- Galilee subregion
- 1.1 Context statement for the Galilee subregion
- 1.1.3 Geology
- Potential basin connectivities
There is little information documented in the literature on basin connectivity in the Galilee subregion. The potential for basin connectivity will be further analysed as part of the Galilee subregion bioregional assessment.
Ransley et al. (2012) provided a qualitative assessment of the potential for connectivity between Galilee and Eromanga basins. This will be discussed more fully in the hydrogeology section of the contextual report. Where the Clematis Group (Galilee Basin) is in contact with the Hutton Sandstone (Eromanga Basin) there is good potential for connectivity between the two basins. Significant reactivation of pre-existing structures, such as the Cork and Canaway Faults, could enhance hydraulic connectivity between different groundwater flow systems, or impede it if the faults are resealed or if relatively impermeable sediments are juxtaposed against sandstone. Naturally occurring geological fracturing associated with anticlinal fold axes could potentially act as preferential pathways for connectivity. For instance, in the southern Galilee subregion, some lines of springs occur in the vicinity of major anticlinal fold axes or other major structures such as the Barcaldine Ridge. Whether this is coincidence, is at the moment unclear.
It may be possible that some connection exists between the Galilee Basin and underlying basins, in particular the Adavale or Drummond basins. Some of the proposed coal mines in the Galilee Basin are located near the Galilee - Drummond Basin margins.
Some potential for connectivity may exist between Cenozoic sediments and underlying Eromanga Basin sediments or Cenozoic sediments and Galilee Basin sediments.