Review of existing models


A thorough search revealed that three groundwater models exist, which cover various parts of the preliminary assessment extent (PAE) in the Clarence-Moreton bioregion. They are: the Arrow model, the Alstonville model and the Metgasco Limited model. The Arrow model covers part of the Queensland side of the Clarence-Moreton PAE, while the other two models cover parts of the NSW side of the Clarence-Moreton PAE. The Arrow model (Arrow Energy Pty Ltd, 2012) is a flat-layer model aimed at quantifying potential drawdown in water heads resulting from three production test bores planned between Beaudesert and Kooralbyn. The model estimated maximal drawdown impacts over 2 m and 5 m in the alluvial aquifer and the Walloon Coal Measures, respectively. The Alstonville model, developed by the NSW Department of Sustainable Natural Resources (Bilge, 2003), comprises only two layers and was mainly developed for educational purposes. The Metgasco model was developed by Parsons Brinckerhoff (2013) to help design and optimise a monitoring network within Metgasco’s Petroleum Exploration Licences (PEL 13 and PEL 16). The Metgasco model is more comprehensive than the other two models. However, all three models are deemed to be basic; they are not suitable for direct usage in the Clarence-Moreton Bioregional Assessment due to their limited model domains and the lack of features such as temporally varying boundaries and non-coal-seam-gas groundwater bores in the Metgasco model.

Last updated:
23 October 2018
Thumbnail images of the Clarence-Moreton bioregion

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