Coal seam gas

Santos and Dart Energy drilled seven CSG wells on PEL 456 with promising CSG potential in the thickest net coal pay in the north Sydney Basin (NSW Trade and Investment, 2013). Dart Energy completed four well-drilling programs with encouraging results in the Nelson Bay area and a pilot program was to be proposed to assess the CSG potential of the area (NSW Trade and Investment, 2013). However, Dart Energy has recently plugged a test drill site at Fullerton Cove and sold PEL 458 to another CSG firm, AJ Lucas. There are currently no coal seam gas operations in the Hunter subregion. Figure 8 shows current coal seam gas (CSG) tenements (as at 19 March 2015), which are owned by AGL Energy Limited (AGL), Santos Ltd (Santos) and Dart Energy Limited (Dart Energy).

Figure 8

Figure 8 Map showing coal seam gas (CSG) tenements (as at May 2015), which are owned by AGL Energy Limited, Santos Ltd and Dart Energy Limited

Last updated:
18 January 2019
Thumbnail of the Hunter subregion

Product Finalisation date