Ravensworth Complex

The Ravensworth Complex is approximately mid-way between Muswellbrook and Singleton in the Hunter Coalfield. It comprises the Ravensworth Surface Operations (Narama and Ravensworth North open-cut mines), Ravensworth Coal Handling and Preparation Plant (RCHPP) and Ravensworth Underground Mine (Glencore, 2014b, p. 1; Glencore, 2014n). The former Ravensworth South and Ravensworth No. 2 open-cut mines operated from the early 1970s and ceased in 1987 at the completion of a coal supply contract to domestic power generators (Glencore, 2014b). Up to the end of 2013, 3382 ha had been rehabilitated across the Ravensworth Complex (Glencore, 2014b, Appendix B). In December 2014, Ravensworth Operations Project – Modification 2 (Changes to Final Landform) was approved, which defined rehabilitation objectives that must minimise visual impacts of the development, be consistent with natural terrain and incorporate micro-relief and be free-draining. The plan defines that the final void will be designed as a long-term groundwater sink, with the size, depth and catchment to be minimised (NSW Department of Planning and Environment, 2014h, 2014i, p. 18).

Ravensworth Surface Operations

Ravensworth Surface Operations (also known as Ravensworth Operations or Ravensworth Open Cut) is owned and operated by Ravensworth Operations Pty Ltd, and managed by Glencore (Glencore, 2014b, p. 2). Ravensworth Surface Operations includes two active open-cut mining areas, Narama Mine and Ravensworth North Mine, in addition to the Cumnock Mine, which has been under care and maintenance since 2011 (see Section (Xstrata, 2012). Ravensworth West Mine, also at the site, commenced production in April 2006, but ceased mining in 2011. Project approval for the life of mine has been granted for the operations to continue for up to 29 years (completion date of 31 December 2039) (Glencore, 2014b, p. 2).

Ravensworth Surface Operations is licensed to produce up to 16 Mt/year ROM thermal coal, which is sold to both the domestic (Bayswater and Liddell power plants) and export markets (Glencore, 2014b, 2014m). Measured resources at the Ravensworth Surface Operations are 446 Mt, indicated resources are 220 Mt and inferred resources are 150 Mt (estimated December 2013, GlencoreXstrata, 2014, p. 50).

Coal is mined via truck and shovel methods and is hauled to the ROM coal pad and transferred further via internal coal haul roads. The coal is crushed by rotary sizers then transported by conveyor belt to Bayswater and Liddell power stations. If required, coal is washed at the on-site CHPP.

Narama Mine

Narama Mine commenced operations in 1993 (Glencore, 2014n). Narama is a strip mine that uses dragline and truck and loader methods to remove overburden and coal, with mined coal trucked to the crushing plant. Coal is then moved by conveyor to the Bayswater and Liddell power plants. The mine targets the Foybrook and Burnamwood formations, specifically the Broonie, Bayswater, Lemington, Pikes Gulley, Arties, Liddell, Barrett, and Hebden Gully coal members. Coal resources as at December 2013 were reported to be 26 Mt (measured) (GlencoreXstrata, 2014, p. 49).

Ravensworth North Mine

Ravensworth North Mine commenced operations in April 2012. It is a multi-seam, open-cut mine, west of Bayswater Creek, which includes the existing Ravensworth West Open Cut Mine. It is adjacent to the former Cumnock Underground Mine workings. Ravensworth North Mine is excavated using truck and shovel methods. Coal is processed at the Ravensworth CHPP and processed for both domestic and export markets (Glencore, 2014b, p. 31). The Ravensworth North Mine has a proposed life of 29 years (Glencore, 2014b). The majority of future mining at the greater Ravensworth Mining Complex is expected to occur at the Ravensworth North Mine (Glencore, 2014b, p. 33). Coal resources as at December 2013 were reported to be 420 Mt (measured), 220 Mt (indicated) and 150 Mt (inferred) (GlencoreXstrata, 2014, p. 49).

During year 5 (2016) of mining activity at Ravensworth North Mine, the entire catchment of Emu Creek within the site boundary will be mined, requiring careful management of Emu Creek (Glencore, 2014b, p. 57). At Ravensworth North Mine coal is extracted from nine seam groups within the Foybrook Formation and the Burnamwood Formation. Specifically, coal is extracted from the Broonies, Bayswater, Upper- and Lower Lemington, Pikes Gulley, Arties, Liddell, and Barrett coal seams (Glencore, 2014b). The deepest target seam is the Barrett Seam, which is approximately 160 m below surface in the north-west and 260 m deep in the south-east of the mine (Glencore, 2014b, p. 32).

Ravensworth Underground Mine

Ravensworth Underground Mine, is part of the Ravensworth Mining Complex and was placed into care and maintenance in October 2014. See Section .

Last updated:
18 January 2019
Thumbnail of the Hunter subregion

Product Finalisation date