Modelling river management

The river model, AWRA-R, is used to simulate some aspects of the management and regulation of the Hunter River, but this is undertaken differently to the Hunter Integrated Quantity-Quality Model (IQQM) (Simons et al., 1996), used by state agencies to set and assess river management rules, water sharing plans and allocations. This reflects the different purposes for which these models have been developed. The implementation of AWRA-R in the bioregional assessment for the Hunter subregion was not specifically developed for river operations planning and management and, without further development, should not be used for this purpose.

The Hunter River is regulated by two major dams, Glenbawn Dam (capacity of 750,000 GL) and Glennies Creek Dam (283,000 GL) (Figure 4). These dams supply water to downstream irrigation, industry and town water. Basic characteristics controlling the operations of these dams (e.g. dead volume, surface area and the split values for releases to various types of water user) are taken from IQQM inputs. Other variables required for AWRA-R are largely based on existing management rules.

Last updated:
18 January 2019
Thumbnail of the Hunter subregion

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