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AGE Pty Ltd (2011) Maules Creek Coal Project environmental assessment – Appendix M – Groundwater impact assessment. Prepared by Australasian Groundwater & Environmental Consultants Pty Ltd for Aston Resources Ltd. Viewed 9 September 2015,

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Douglas Partners (2010) Hydrogeological assessment – Appendix R Rocglen Coal Mine Extension Project environmental assessment. Prepared for Whitehaven Coal Limited. Viewed 30 August 2016,

Ecological (2014) Referral of proposed action – Narrabri Gas Project. Prepared for Santos NSW (Eastern) Pty Ltd. Viewed 7 September 2016,

Evans and Peck (2013) Vickery Coal Project environmental impact statement – Appendix B: surface water assessment. Prepared for Whitehaven Coal Limited. Viewed 7 September 2016,

GeoTerra Pty Ltd (2008) Sunnyside Coal Project groundwater assessment. Specialist consultant studies compendium, part 1. Prepared for Namoi Minint Pty Ltd. Viewed 16 December 2015,

GHD (2014) Narrabri Gas Project preliminary environmental assessment. Prepared for Santos NSW (Eastern) Pty Ltd. Viewed 27 July 2015,

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GSS Environmental (2010) Surface water assessment – Appendix M Rocglen Coal Mine Extension Project environmental assessment. Prepared for Whitehaven Coal Limited. Viewed 30 August 2016,

Hansen Bailey (2010) Continuation of Boggabri Coal Mine – environmental assessment. Prepared for Boggabri Coal Pty Limited. Viewed 27 July 2015,

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NSW Government (2013) Interim Protocol for site verification and mapping of biophysical strategic agricultural land. Viewed 30 August 2016,

Resource Strategies Pty Ltd (2013a) Vickery Coal Project: environmental impact statement. Prepared by Resource Strategies Pty Ltd for Whitehaven Coal Limited. Viewed 08 August 2016,

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Last updated:
6 December 2018
Thumbnail of the Namoi subregion

Product Finalisation date