Mine footprints

To quantify the hydrological changes of mine developments, the location and spatial extent of the mine footprint over time is needed. Footprint polygons are used in the modelling to identify which cells in the models need to be modified to reflect impacts of mine development in the baseline and coal resource development pathway (CRDP). Extraction of mine footprints from environmental impact statements and other sources

The main source of mine footprint is the respective environmental impact statements (EIS) for each mine. Figures depicting proposed mine plans for different years were used as the basis for determining how the mining footprint propagates over the mining period. Each figure was digitised and georeferenced using one of three methods:

  • The preferred method was to use maps or plans with coordinates already on them.
  • If there were no coordinates, then three point locations were matched with points on Google Earth and the latitude and longitude from Google Earth were used to georeference the image.
  • If there were not three clearly identifiable point locations in the image, then supplementary points were found by matching contour information to the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission Smoothed Digital Elevation Model (SRTM DEM-S) grid (Geoscience Australia, Dataset 3).

The runoff contributing areas were determined as a time series over the life of the mine. Since the contributing area was not provided for all years, the footprint areas were calculated through linear interpolation. Any area upslope of a water storage or dirty or contaminated water area that was not diverted around the mine was included in the surface water mine footprint area. The surface water footprints were exported as shapefiles (.shp) for modelling. NSW Department of Trade and Investment historical data (2000 to 2012)

For Boggabri and Tarrawonga baseline mines for which EIS were not available, the NSW Department of Trade and Investment’s (DTI) historical mine footprint data were used. Google Earth imagery

On-ground evidence of mines with planned 2015 or earlier start years was verified using Google Earth imagery. The Google Earth images were also used to verify the extent of the surface water mine footprint obtained from the DTI data. For Tarrawonga the baseline mine footprint data from DTI only covered the mine pit area, therefore adjustments were made on the footprint area based on Google Earth imagery. The image was also used to decide the start year of the Tarrawonga expansion as 2015.

Table 32 lists the assumptions made in generating the time series of footprint areas. It also includes the assumptions made for representing hydrological changes due to mines.

Table 32 Assumptions made in surface water modelling for representing hydrological changes of mines and generation of time series data


Assumption for modelling

Basis for assumption

Start date for baseline mines

As specified in development consent that was current at December 2012

The Assessment team does not have the information to model impacts of all historical mines. For modelling, the Assessment team use the timelines of the operation that were current at the date selected for defining baseline coal resource developments.

Start date for additional coal resource development

  • as specified in development consent or
  • as indicated by a mining company representative, if different from development consent or
  • assumed 2018 if not commenced and uncertain commencement date

Start dates have been determined from current mine reports or mine company contacts; mining activities may not always commence on intended schedule due to delays in the approval process, or to market related reasons. A start date was estimated for mines that were approved to start at a time but had since not started.

End date for baseline mines

As originally specified in development consent or revised (includes a change in end date from an approved modification that does not involve an expansion of mining area). Does not include extensions in time to accommodate expansion of mining areas that commenced after December 2012, which are included in the CRDP as additional coal resource development.

End dates have been determined from current mine reports or mine company contacts.

End date for additional coal resource development

End date obtained from development consent

End dates have been determined from current mine reports or mine company contacts. For mines that were approved to start at a time but had since not started, the end dates were estimated by adding the proposed mine life to the estimated start date.

Time series of footprints

Mine footprints expand and contract over time based on individual mining operational plans

Rehabilitation is typically undertaken progressively. As new areas of the mine excavation are commenced, the depleted pit and other mine-affected areas are rehabilitated.

Post-mining longwall footprints

Sustained at maximum footprint to 2102

Subsidence is permanent.

Post-mining open-cut footprints

  • use information available in the EIS
  • in absence of relevant information, sustained at maximum footprint for 10 years
  • scaled back to final void area (if known) or to 0.16 times of maximum footprint area for a further 10 years

Absence of any other information on this for some of the mines. Anecdotal evidence from environmental officers at Glencore in the companion Hunter subregion suggested 5–10 years for return to undisturbed conditions.

Final void areas

  • use information from EIS
  • if final voids not known, then use 0.16 of maximum footprint area

In the companion Hunter subregion, for mines for which data were available, final void area was compared to the maximum footprint area. The median of the ratio of final void area to the maximum footprint area was 16%, with a range of 4% to 32%.

Longwall mine

Assume a permanent 5% reduction in surface water runoff from the affected area

Subsidence is not modelled, but is inevitable where longwall mining occurs. Impacts on surface runoff can vary from very little to more than 50% interception, although given that efforts would be undertaken to rehabilitate mine area as close to the pre-mining condition as possible, the latter is unlikely. Therefore the impact is likely to be smaller, so we conservatively assume a 5% reduction in runoff here. The Assessment team does not have any basis for varying this by mine location, longwall panel depth or other factors.

Open-cut and longwall mine site facilities

Treat the same as mining disturbed areas

Assume that site facilities are not abandoned immediately when mining ceases, allowing for rehabilitation of site. Rehabilitation is assumed to return disturbed areas to pre-disturbance conditions over 10 years, following completion of rehabilitation.

CRDP = coal resource development pathway; EIS = environmental impact statement Mine footprints time series

A number of assumptions need to be made in the surface water modelling to represent the hydrological impacts of mining developments on water-dependent assets. These assumptions are consistent with the policy and legislative framework governing the operation of mines (Table 32). This section discusses the approach for defining surface water footprint time series and characterising their hydrological responses pre- and post-development. The time series data are used in surface water modelling to estimate impacts of the additional coal resource development mines on hydrological response variables. The hydrological impacts are reported in companion product 2.6.1 for the Namoi subregion (Aryal et al., 2018).

It is important, therefore, to determine the areas where surface runoff will be intercepted. This area is termed the surface water footprint of the mine, and it can differ from the groundwater footprint. For the purposes of bioregional assessments, surface water footprint covers the entire area disturbed by coal mine operations, including pits, road, spoil dumps, water storages and infrastructure. It may also include otherwise undisturbed parts of the landscape from which natural runoff is retained in reservoirs within mining complex. The footprint does not include established rehabilitated areas from which surface runoff can enter the stream network. Nor does it include catchment areas upstream of drainage channels that divert water around a mine site and do not retain it.

For an underground mine, surface subsidence associated with the collapse of the longwall panels is expected to lead to increased ponding on the surface. This increased ponding is likely to result in a decrease in natural flow to the streams. As discussed in Table 32, a 5% reduction in runoff in areas covered by the underground mine footprint is conservatively (i.e. impact is likely to be smaller) assumed, which factors in regulatory requirements on mining companies to minimise the impacts from mine subsidence through such steps as appropriate longwall orientation and drainage management.

Mine footprint areas change over the lifetime of a mine’s operations. As new parts of the lease are opened up for active use, the footprint increases. As mined parts of the lease are rehabilitated and their runoff returned to natural drainage, the footprint decreases although not necessarily to pre-mining condition. As well as the area of any final voids, the final mine footprint may also include the area covered by any infrastructure (e.g. dams, levee banks, roads) that is intended to remain on the site after final rehabilitation.

Time series of mine footprints for baseline and CRDP mines were compiled from spatial data supplied by mining companies and the NSW Department of Trade and Investment, or extracted by the Assessment team from environmental impact statements and related documents, Landsat TM and Google Earth imagery.

Figure 47 to Figure 57 show temporal variations of mine footprint areas for Namoi coal resource development. Two of the projects have footprints shown for both the baseline and CRDP (Boggabri Coal Mine – Figure 47, and Tarrawonga Mine – Figure 54). Figures for the other projects show mine footprints either under baseline or CRDP.

Boggabri Coal Mine started operating in 2006. The surface water footprint of the Boggabri Coal Mine and Boggabri Coal Expansion Project spans two surface water modelling catchments.

Figure 47 shows the growth of mine footprint areas for both the baseline and CRDP from 2006 to the end of assessment year 2102. The baseline footprint reaches a maximum area of 5.5 km2 in 2012, while the total CRDP footprint reaches its maximum area of 18.6 km2 in 2033.

Figure 47

Figure 47 Temporal variation of footprint area for the Boggabri Coal Mine under the baseline and CRDP

CRDP = coal resource development pathway

Data: Bioregional Assessment Programme (Dataset 4)

The Maules Creek Mine started in 2015 and is identified as a mine under CRDP for the Namoi subregion. The surface water footprint of the mine directly affects one surface water modelling catchment. The first-year mine footprint area is 4.8 km2. The planned maximum footprint area is 18.5 km2 in 2019 (Figure 48).

Figure 48

Figure 48 Temporal variation of the footprint area for the Maules Creek Project under the CRDP

CRDP = coal resource development pathway

Data: Bioregional Assessment Programme (Dataset 4)

The Watermark Coal Project has mines identified under CRDP for the Namoi subregion. The project occupies within four surface water modelling catchments and is planned to commence in 2018 (Figure 49). The mine has 6.0 km2 of total footprint area in the first year and a maximum total footprint of 20.6 km2 in 2038.

Figure 49

Figure 49 Temporal variation of the footprint area for the Watermark Coal Project under the CRDP

CRDP = coal resource development pathway

Data: Bioregional Assessment Programme (Dataset 4)

Vickery Coal Project is under CRDP with an assumed 2018 start date. The surface water footprint for the Vickery Coal Project spans two surface water modelling catchments with a net mine footprint area of 9.4 km2 in the first year, reaching a maximum of 24.5 km2 in 2034 (Figure 50).

Figure 50

Figure 50 Temporal variation of the footprint area for the Vickery Coal Project under the CRDP

CRDP = coal resource development pathway

Data: Bioregional Assessment Programme (Dataset 4)

Sunnyside Mine is a baseline mine which started in 2008 and was completed in 2012. The surface water footprint of the mine directly affects one surface water modelling catchment. The mine footprint area starts with an area of 0.9 km2 in 2008 with a peak footprint area of 1.3 km2 in 2012 (Figure 51).

Figure 51

Figure 51 Temporal variation of the footprint area for the Sunnyside Mine under the baseline

Data: Bioregional Assessment Programme (Dataset 4)

Werris Creek Mine started in 2004 and is included in the baseline. The surface water footprint of the mine directly affects two surface water modelling catchments. It has a mine footprint area of 4.0 km2 in 2005 increasing to 6.7 km2 in 2020 (Figure 52).

Figure 52

Figure 52 Temporal variation of the footprint area for the Werris Creek Mine under the baseline

Data: Bioregional Assessment Programme (Dataset 4)

Rocglen Mine started in 2009 with a net mine footprint of 2.9 km2. The maximum mine footprint of 3.4 km2 in 2013 continues until the end of mining in 2018. Due to extensive mine rehabilitation work the footprint decreases to 1.6 km2 in the last year and gradually to zero over the following ten years (Figure 53).

Figure 53

Figure 53 Temporal variation of the footprint area for the Rocglen Mine under the baseline

Data: Bioregional Assessment Programme (Dataset 4)

Footprints of the Tarrawonga Mine and Tarrawonga Coal Expansion Project directly affect two surface water modelling catchments. Figure 54 shows the growth of mine footprint areas for both the baseline and CRDP. The baseline mine starts in 2006 with its footprint reaching a maximum of 5.0 km2 in 2014. The total CRDP footprint reaches its maximum of 7.2 km2 in 2016 (Figure 54).

Figure 54

Figure 54 Temporal variation of the footprint area for the Tarrawonga Mine under the baseline and CRDP

CRDP = coal resource development pathway

Data: Bioregional Assessment Programme (Dataset 4)

Caroona Coal Project is a longwall underground mine under CRDP with an assumed 2020 start date. The footprint of the project lies within one surface water modelling catchment. The planned area of underground excavation in the first year is 0.73 km2, increasing to 78 km2 in 2049 (Figure 55).

Figure 55

Figure 55 Temporal variation of the underground footprint area for the Caroona Coal Project under the CRDP

CRDP = coal resource development pathway

Data: Bioregional Assessment Programme (Dataset 4)

Narrabri South Project is a longwall underground mine under CRDP with a 2030 start date. The footprint of the mine directly affects one surface water modelling catchment. The planned area of underground excavation in the first year is 0.4 km2 increasing to 24.2 km2 in 2054 (Figure 56).

Figure 56

Figure 56 Temporal variation of the underground footprint area for the Narrabri South Project under the CRDP

CRDP = coal resource development pathway

Data: Bioregional Assessment Programme (Dataset 4)

Narrabri North Mine, a longwall underground mine under baseline, commenced in 2010. The planned area of underground excavation in the first year is 0.7 km2 and is 30.1 km2 in 2035. The total footprint due to surface mine facilities is 5.8 km2 (Figure 57). The mine directly affects two surface water modelling catchments.

Figure 57

Figure 57 Temporal variation of the underground and surface footprint area for the Narrabri North Mine under the baseline

Note the y-axis limits are different in the bottom two plots.

Data: Bioregional Assessment Programme (Dataset 4)

Table 33 summarises the areas of changed surface water hydrology for three key points in the footprint time series for each open-cut mine: end of 2012 prior to commencement of any additional coal resource development mines in the CRDP; the maximum disturbed area represented in the model; and the final disturbed area following full rehabilitation. Open-cut mines and site facilities (whether they be for open-cut or underground operations) are included in the areas given, as they have the same hydrological effect in the surface water model.

Table 33 Key characteristics of data used to represent mine impacts in the surface water model for the Namoi subregion

Mine or mine complex

Open-cut, underground or surface

In baseline?


2012 area disturbed by open-cut pits, site facilities


Maximum area disturbed by open-cut pits, site facilities


Final area disturbed by open-cut pits, site facilities


Maximum area disturbed above longwall panels


Name of post-2012 mine expansion project

















Boggabri Coal Expansion Project

















Tarrawonga Coal Expansion Project

Maules Creek




































Werris Creek



























Narrabri South









Narrabri North









Narrabri North









na = not applicable, OC = open-cut, UG = underground

Last updated:
10 January 2019
Thumbnail of the Namoi subregion

Product Finalisation date