South Galilee Coal Project

The information below is taken from the Additional EIS (AEIS) for the South Galilee Coal Project (WRM Water + Environment, 2014).

The AEIS contains a conceptual design for the water management system with the details to be finalised later. The water management system will have three subsystems according to water quality. The layout of the water management system will change over the life of the mine. All the dams except the south sediment dam (which will be adjacent to Sapling Creek) will be in the Tallarenha Creek catchment. The south pit water dam will be on the boundary between the Sapling Creek and Tallarenha Creek catchments.

The subsystems of the water management system are: Saline water system

The saline water system manages water which is potentially coal-affected. It is expected that water captured by this system will have high salinity and has the potential to be contaminated by metals. Water in this system will be pumped to pit water dams to be later reused on site. Dams in the saline water system are: pit water dams N and S; ROM dump dams N and S; MIA dams N and S; ROM stockpile dams N and S; product stockpile dams; dam A and dam B. Waste rock runoff water system

The waste rock runoff system manages water from waste rock areas which is expected to have high turbidity, moderate risk of high salinity and a lower risk of metals contamination. Raw water system

The raw water system will manage externally supplied raw water. This water is expected to be low salinity and will be stored in the raw water dam.

Last updated:
6 December 2018
Thumbnail of the Galilee subregion

Product Finalisation date