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- 1.3 Water-dependent asset register for the Central West subregion
- 1.3.1 Methods
- Compiling assets and developing the water-dependent asset register
The water-dependent assets register was compiled by assessing the water dependency of assets in the asset list for the Central West subregion (Bioregional Assessment Programme, Dataset 1). Ecological assets
One natural resource management organisation (NRM) nominated assets through the contribution of data to the Water Asset Information Tool (WAIT) database (Australian Government Department of Environment, Dataset 2). These NRM-nominated assets were added to the asset database (Table 3). Other datasets in the asset database and their associated source organisations are listed in Table 4 together with the number of assets and elements.
Table 3 Natural resource management organisations that contributed data to the Water Asset Information Tool database
Organisation |
Description in asset database |
Central West Catchment Management Authority |
WAIT_Central West |
Table 4 Datasets for ecological assets in the Central West subregion
Dataseta,b |
Dataset citation |
Elements |
Assets (asset lists) |
New South Wales NSW - Regional - CMA - Water Asset Information Tool - WAIT - databases |
Australian Government Department of Environment (Dataset 2) |
23,373 |
276 |
Collaborative Australian Protected Areas Database (CAPAD) 2010 - External RESTRICTED (Not current release) - Metadata only |
Australian Government Department of the Environment (Dataset 3) |
25 |
25 |
Directory of Important Wetlands in Australia (DIWA) Spatial Database (Public) |
Australian Government Department of the Environment (Dataset 4) |
185 |
1 |
Ramsar Wetlands of Australia |
Australian Government Department of Environment (Dataset 5) |
2 |
2 |
Environmental Asset Database - Commonwealth Environmental Water Office -RESTRICTED (Metadata only) |
Australian Government Department of the Environment (Dataset 6) |
6 |
6 |
National Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems (GDE) Atlas |
Bureau of Meteorology (Dataset 7) |
Subsurface: 14,355 Surface: 1,671 |
Subsurface: 221 Surface: 124 |
Communities of National Environmental Significance Database - RESTRICTED (Metadata only) |
Australian Government Department of the Environment (Dataset 8) |
54,778 |
6 |
Species Profile and Threats Database (SPRAT) - Australia - Species of National Environmental Significance Database (BA subset - RESTRICTED - Metadata only) |
Bioregional Assessment Programme (Dataset 9) |
2,516 |
50 |
Key Environmental Assets - KEA - of the Murray Darling Basin RESTRICTED (Metadata only) |
Murray-Darling Basin Authority (Dataset 10) |
Streams: 351 Waterbodies: 11 |
Streams: 5 Waterbodies: 2 |
Birds Australia - Important Bird Areas (IBA) 2009 |
Birds Australia (Dataset 11) |
3 |
3 |
Climate Change Corridors (Dry Habitat) for North East NSW |
Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH) NSW (Dataset 12) |
4 |
4 |
Macquarie Marshes Vegetation 1991-2008 VIS_ID 3920 |
Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH) NSW (Dataset 13) |
1,262 |
8 |
Native Vegetation Management (NVM) - Manage Benefits |
NSW Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water (DECCW) (Dataset 14) |
3,460 |
4 |
Travelling Stock Route Conservation Values |
NSW Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water (DECCW) (Dataset 15) |
143 |
141 |
NSW Wetlands |
NSW Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water (DECCW) (Dataset 16) |
795 |
3 |
Great Artesian Basin and Laura Basin groundwater recharge areas |
Geoscience Australia (Dataset 17) |
1 |
1 |
Total |
102,941 |
882 |
aThe asset database (Bioregional Assessment Programme, Dataset 1) is a collation of all these source datasets. Some assets may be captured in multiple databases. These replicates are retained in the asset database as boundaries may differ between databases.
bTypology and punctuation are given as provided in the metadata for these datasets. Economic assets
The datasets used in compiling the economic assets for the Central West subregion are shown in Table 5.
Table 5 Datasets for economic assets in the Central West subregion
Dataseta |
Dataset citation |
Elements |
Assets (asset list) |
NSW Office of Water Groundwater licences extract linked to spatial locations NIC v3 20140313 |
Bioregional Assessment Programme (Dataset 18) |
315 |
19 |
NSW Office of Water Surface Water Licences in NIC linked to locations v1 20140422 |
Bioregional Assessment Programme (Dataset 19) |
1442 |
25 |
NSW surface water sharing plans (groundwater and surface water) |
NSW Office of Water (Dataset 20) |
32 |
32 |
NSW groundwater macro plans |
NSW Office of Water (Dataset 20) |
16 |
16 |
NSW regulated rivers |
NSW Office of Water (Dataset 20) |
1 |
1 |
Total |
1806 |
93 |
aThe asset database (Bioregional Assessment Programme, Dataset 1) is a collation of all these source datasets. Some assets may be captured in multiple databases. These replicates are retained in the asset database as boundaries may differ between databases. Sociocultural assets
Indigenous sociocultural assets were sourced from existing Commonwealth heritage databases (Table 6).
Meetings have been held with Indigenous knowledge holders in the Central West subregion to gain further understanding of Indigenous cultural water-dependent assets. Where possible and appropriate, and with the agreement of Indigenous knowledge holders, these additional Indigenous water-related values will be published in a separate report. Identified assets will be incorporated into an updated water-dependent asset register (available at http://data.bioregionalassessments.gov.au/product/NIC/CEN/1.3).
Table 6 Datasets for sociocultural assets in the Central West subregion
Dataseta |
Dataset citation |
Elements |
Assets (asset list) |
National Heritage List Spatial Database (NHL) (v2.1) |
Australian Government Department of the Environment (Dataset 21) |
2 |
2 |
Australia, Register of the National Estate (RNE) - Spatial Database (RNESDB) Internal |
Australian Government Department of the Environment (Dataset 22) |
55 |
55 |
Total |
57 |
57 |
aThe asset database (Bioregional Assessment Programme, Dataset 1) is a collation of all these source datasets. Some assets may be captured in multiple databases. These replicates are retained in the asset database as boundaries may differ between databases.