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- 1.2 Resource assessment for the Gloucester subregion
- 1.2.4 Catalogue of potential resource developments
Section 1.2.4 provides summary information in map and table form for potential coal and coal seam gas (CSG) resource developments within the Gloucester subregion. This section builds on information already provided in Section 1.2.3. The tables list locations, resource figures and development status relative to environmental impact statements (EIS). In some cases the current status is prior to an EIS being submitted and their inclusion in the table does not imply that development will be proposed. The area of AGL’s proposed CSG stage 1 development area is also included in Figure 9. Coal mine expansion is planned at Yancoal Australia Ltd’s Stratford and Duralie mines and a new coal mine is planned by Gloucester Resources Limited at Rocky Hill.
Figure 9 shows the location of coal deposits in the Gloucester subregion and the area proposed for stage 1 of AGL’s CSG development.
Table 4 and Table 5 list potential developments with locations, resource figures and development status. Resources for coal are consistent (where possible) with the Joint Ore Reserve Committee (JORC) Code and include measured, indicated and inferred resources (inclusive of any reserves). CSG resources are reported as proved plus probable reserves (2P) using the Petroleum Resource Management System (PRMS).
Locations of the two currently operating coal mines and two coal deposits (Wenham Cox Road, Grant and Chaney) are derived from the OZMIN National Mineral Deposits Database (Geoscience Australia, 2013). The location of Rocky Hill coal deposit and AGL CSG stage 1 development area have been added from publically available company documents. Geoscience Australia supplied information from their in-house version of OZMIN.
Coal resource figures presented in Table 4 are from the OZMIN database with more recent updates added using information available from Yancoal Australian Stock Exchange 2013 releases and from the Gloucester Resources Limited (2013) environmental impact statement (EIS) for their proposed Rocky Hill coal development. CSG Resource figures in Table 5 are from AGL publically available documents.
Figure 9 Coal and coal seam gas deposits in the Gloucester subregion
Locations for the Stratford and Duralie operating mines and the deposits at Wenham Cox Road and Grant and Chaney were extracted from the OZMIN database (Geoscience Australia, 2013). The location of Rocky Hill deposit and the AGL CSG stage 1 development area were obtained from publically available company documents. The background is shaded topography.
In late 2012, the NSW Government introduced its Strategic Regional Land Use Policy to protect valuable residential and agricultural land across the State from the impacts of mining and CSG activity (NSW Government, 2014). Information was released in January 2014, identifying the areas of Biophysical Strategic Agricultural Land – land of high quality soil and water resources capable of supporting high levels of agricultural production – across NSW, which are deemed necessary to support the state’s $12 billion per year agricultural industry. CSG exclusion zones were identified by Strategic Agricultural Lands in 2013 (NSW Government, 2013) (Figure 10).
Figure 10 Coal seam gas exclusion zones in the Gloucester subregion
Source data: Strategic Agricultural Lands (NSW Government, 2013)
Table 4 Catalogue of potential coal resource developments in the Gloucester subregion aThe record date is the most recent date for updated coal resource numbers. bMaterials fall into one of the following four classes: thermal coal, coking coal, pulverised coal injection (PCI) and unspecified. cThis is calculated by summing the resources with Joint Ore Reserves Committee (JORC) codes of measured, indicated and inferred. dThe status of the project within an environmental impact statement (EIS): pre-EIS, EIS in preparation, EIS submitted, EIS closed, supplementary EIS and EIS approved. eResources figures above for Duralie and Stratford are total resources at those mine sites and are not the figures for extensions. fAustralian Stock Exchange (ASX) Table 5 Catalogue of potential coal seam gas resource developments in the Gloucester subregion aThe record date is the most recent date for updated coal seam gas resource numbers. bThe Petroleum Resource Management System of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (PRMS-SPE) code 2P refers to estimated quantities of Proved reserves plus Probable reserves. cThe status of the project within an environmental impact statement (EIS): pre-EIS, EIS in preparation, EIS submitted, EIS closed, supplementary EIS and EIS approved .