Full-scale CSG operations in the Gloucester subregion have not been developed. However, in 2008, Lucas Energy Pty Limited reported on a pilot CSG project at Stratford (Stratford Pilot) at PEL 285 (jointly owned by Lucas Energy Pty Limited and Molopo Australia Limited). The report stated that the wells produced encouraging results, and that wells dewatered quickly and produced 1050 thousand cubic feet per day (mcfd) during initial flow testing (Bilston, 2008, p. 7, 9). PEL 285 was sold to AGL in 2008. In 2009, AGL conducted drilling activities and high gas content was confirmed in all 18 core holes drilled as part of the exploration program (AGL Energy Limited, n.d.-b). AGL extended Lucas Energy’s earlier, deep drilling project under the name of the Waukivory Pilot Project, which has demonstrated gas contents of 12 to 25 m3/t and well LMG03 also achieved production flow rates of more than 1050 mcfd (O’Neill and Danis, 2013, p. 72). As part of the Waukivory Pilot Project, four wells that were drilled in 2012 (Waukivory 11, Waukivory 12, Waukivory 13 and Waukivory 14; see Figure 6) (AGL Energy Limited, 2013b, p. 9) will be tested over a 12 to 18 month period once testing commences (AGL Energy Limited, 2013b, p. 33) using perforating and fracture stimulation techniques (AGL Energy Limited, 2013b, p. ES 1). Previously, gas flow was enhanced through fracture stimulation of the coal seams in four other wells (AGL Energy Limited, n.d.-b).
Figure 6 Location of Waukivory Pilot wells in the Gloucester subregion
Source: AGL Energy Limited (n.d.-a). © AGL, 2014