Stratford Extension Plan

Stratford Mining Complex is presently seeking to expand its activities (Stratford Coal, 2012a, 2012b). The proposed 11-year extension project plans to continue open-cut mining to the west and south of the existing pit (Stratford Coal, 2012a, p. ES-5; 2012b, p. 2–25) and would increase run-of-mine (ROM) coal production (raw coal prior to processing) from the currently approved 2.1 to 2.6 Mt/year (Stratford Coal, 2012b, p. 2–13). As open-cut mining progresses south, the previously mined and backfilled Roseville Pit would be excavated to reach the deeper Roseville Coal Member (Stratford Coal, 2012b, p. 2–25). Additionally, the new Avon North and Stratford East open-cut mines would be developed (Stratford Coal, 2012a, p. ES–4). Approximately 7.3 Mt ROM coal is planned to be mined from the extension of Roseville West Pit. The Roseville West Pit Extension would be approximately 1 km east of Stratford at its nearest point and no open-cut mining would be carried out within 40 m of Avondale Creek. Operations of the extended mine are expected to be 24 hours/day, seven days/week (Stratford Coal, 2012b, p. 2–25). As of August 2014, the proponent is responding to recommendations from the recently completed NSW Planning Assessment Commissions (PAC) review.

Last updated:
5 January 2018