3.6.1 Non-modelled additional coal resource developments

The companion product 2.3 for the Namoi subregion (Herr et al., 2018) identified two additional coal mines, the Gunnedah Precinct and the Vickery South Coal Project, in the coal resource development pathway (CRDP) that were not included in the hydrological modelling because there was insufficient information about their scope, size and water demand (Table 50).

Both proposed developments are situated within the zone of potential hydrological change as shown in Figure 12. Figure 51 shows the location of these mines relative to the 50th percentile of groundwater drawdown. Given the proximity of the Gunnedah Precinct and the Vickery South Coal Project to other coal resource developments, there is potential for cumulative impacts.

Table 50 Additional coal resource developments that were not modelled in the Namoi subregion based on companion product 2.3 (Herr et al., 2018)

Coal resource development

Reasons for not including in CRDP

Gunnedah Precinct

The Whitehaven Coal owned project area largely sits within an area previously mined (the Gunnedah Colliery). Future development of this area is possible, however there is currently insufficient information available about how the resource would be developed, and the timing/schedule/life span.

Vickery South Coal Project

Vickery South Coal Project has currently insufficient information available about how the Vickery South coal resource would be developed, and the timing/schedule/life span.

CRDP = coal resource development pathway

Figure 51

Figure 51 Location of the additional coal resource developments Gunndedah Precinct and Vikery South Coal Project that were not included in the hydrological modelling and in relation to the 50th percentile groundwater drawdown

Data: Bioregional Assessment Programme (Dataset 1)

Last updated:
6 December 2018
Thumbnail of the Namoi subregion

Product Finalisation date