All known potential coal developments in the Central West subregion to date are catalogued in Table 4. All those listed here are discussed in Section 1.2.3 and their locations shown in Figure 5 in Section 1.2.3 . The Ulan Coal Mines Continued Operations Project and the Cobbora Coal Project have approved environmental impact statements (EIS) and published Joint Ore Reserves Committee (JORC) Code compliant resource figures. The Phoenix Vision Coal Pty Ltd project is presently at the exploration stage and actual activity, quality of coal and potential tonnage or reserves are not reported.
Table 4 Catalogue of potential coal resource developments in the Central West subregion
aThe record date is the most recent date for updated coal resource numbers.
bMaterials fall into one of the following four classes: thermal coal, coking coal, pulverised coal injection (PCI) and unspecified.
cThis is calculated by summing the resources with Joint Ore Reserves Committee (JORC) codes of measured, indicated and inferred.
dThe status of the project within an environmental impact statement (EIS): pre-EIS, EIS in preparation, EIS submitted, EIS closed, supplementary EIS and EIS approved.