The Clarence-Moreton bioregion is one of the most biologically diverse regions in Australia. It includes the ‘Macleay–McPherson Overlap’, an area where a combination of climate and geography have resulted in the co-occurrence of both temperate and tropical species and a substantial number of regionally endemic species (Burbidge, 1960). The Great Dividing Range runs along the length of the bioregion, providing steep escarpments and fertile valleys and floodplains as rivers start in the mountains and meander across the valleys to discharge at the coast.
The Clarence-Moreton bioregion contains diverse assets that span ecological, sociocultural and economic values (see companion product 1.3 for the Clarence-Moreton bioregion (Murray et al., 2015)). A landscape classification system was developed to categorise the nature of water dependency among this diverse range of assets, based on key landscape properties associated with geology, geomorphology, hydrology and vegetation (both natural and modified ecosystems). Thus, the primary objective of the landscape classification is to present a conceptualisation of the main biophysical and human systems at the surface and describe their hydrological connectivity in relation to how they utilise surrounding water sources. Assets can then be assessed and grouped based on functional criteria depending on their association with a particular landscape class (i.e. landscape classes to which they belong). The term ‘landscape class’ used in this context, represents landscape features classified in a systematic manner and assembled into groups that are indicative of their hydrological connectivity to key groundwater and surface water flow systems. The following section describes the methodology and datasets used to arrive at the landscape classification for ecosystems within the PAE of the Clarence-Moreton bioregion.
There are many different classification and landscape class methodologies which have been developed to provide consistent and functionally relevant representations of ecosystems (e.g. the Australian National Aquatic Ecosystem (ANAE) Classification Framework (AETG, 2012)). Currently, only the Queensland section of the Clarence-Moreton bioregion has a framework in place. Where appropriate, the approach outlined in this product has built on, and integrated these existing classification systems to incorporate the whole bioregion. The process of devising and implementing a landscape classification for the PAE of the Clarence-Moreton bioregion predominantly involved using geology as a basis combined with terrain, hydrology and vegetation. The landscape classification was derived from existing data layers consisting of polygons (e.g. vegetation, terrestrial/surface groundwater-dependent ecosystems (GDEs) or wetlands), lines (stream network) and points (springs, waterholes and waterfalls), thus producing a polygon dataset output. Classification of landscape features (represented by polygon base data)
The approach taken was formulated in close collaboration with several experts from the WetlandInfo team (2013) within the Queensland Government who had extensive experience with the landscapes of the Clarence‑Moreton bioregion PAE and had input into developing similar classification systems such as the ANAE (Aquatic Ecosystems Task Group, 2012). Landscape classes were derived from spatial analysis using geographic information system (GIS) software. The input datasets and rule sets used to analyse the polygon layers for this component of the classification are given in Table 3.
Geology is the most important characteristic in landscape development in the Clarence‑Moreton bioregion. The surface geology of the bioregion can be classified into four regional types: (i) fractured igneous rock (Section, (ii) consolidated sedimentary rock (Section, (iii) unconsolidated sediments – alluvium (Section and (iv) unconsolidated sediments – estuarine (Section
The fractured rock occurs in the steep escarpment mainly along the Queensland–NSW border within the bioregion. The consolidated sedimentary rock covers the rest of the bioregion except where it is covered by the alluvium associated with hydrological features and floodplains or the estuarine sediments along the coast. The broad geological classification divides the PAE according to Queensland’s pre-clearing remnant vegetation (Queensland Herbarium, Department of Science, Information Technology, Innovation and the Arts, Dataset 1) with the associated landzone classes and NSW Mitchell landscapes (NSW Office of Environment and Heritage, Dataset 2). Both datasets were reclassified by a geologist to conform to the four identified geology types.
Terrain exerts a strong influence on morphology, flow patterns and associated biota. The slope thresholds from the ANAE for the Murray–Darling Basin, based on the Stein Index (Brooks et al., 2014), were used to determine the four terrain types: (i) lowland, (ii) low energy upland, (iii) high energy upland and (iv) transitional environments.
Hydrological features (other than landscape classes ‘Waterfalls’, ‘Springs and waterholes’) were classified into landscape classes according to their geology type, position in the terrain and whether they were a moving or still body of water as well as their permanency. The ‘Waterfalls’ and ‘Springs and waterholes’ landscape classes were classified as such, regardless of terrain or geology characteristics.
Modified landscapes are mostly cleared of natural vegetation and are used for agricultural or other anthropogenic purposes. These were classified into three modified landscape types: (i) dryland agriculture or (ii) irrigated agriculture (based on the most recent land use data (BRS, 2009; DSITIA, 2014)); and (iii) urban.
Natural vegetation areas were delineated into seven vegetation types (‘Major Vegetation Group’ according to NVIS4 (Dataset 5)), based on structure (especially height and cover), growth form and floristic composition (vascular plant species) in the dominant stratum of each vegetation type (Department of the Environment and Water Resources, 2007). Delineation was also made between wet and dry sclerophyll forest.
Landscape classes defined for modified and urban landscapes and natural vegetation areas were determined independent of terrain and geology characteristics.
All landscape classes within the natural vegetation areas and modified landscapes contain groundwater-dependent ecosystems (GDEs). GDEs access groundwater on a permanent or intermittent basis (DSITIA, 2015). They occur within the main landscape classes, where groundwater is close enough to the surface to be accessible. Mapped GDEs for the CLM were obtained from both states (Bioregional Assessment Programme, Dataset 6, Dataset 7). These datasets were derived using the GDE mapping assessment guidelines suggested in the national GDE toolbox (Richardson et al., 2011a, 2011b). Mapping of GDEs has underlying assumptions built on expert knowledge and data where possible. The south-east Queensland mapping has a confidence rating for accuracy of the GDE location and the precent area covered (WetlandInfo, 2012). Therefore, we considered the GDE mapping as indicative only, with confidence that a GDE occurs in that location but the boundary line between GDE and non-GDE areas may be subjective. Further checking will always improve the accuracy of the GDE maps.
Groundwater dependency was determined by the spatial intersection of GDE polygons in the water-dependent asset register with the vegetation landscape classes, thus resulting in an associated GDE landscape sub-class for each modified landscape and vegetation landscape class.
Derivation of landscape classes was essentially a process of joining different input datasets to create an output polygon dataset representing all landscape classes. Decisions were made at different points during the process about simplification of data (e.g. merging of small splinter polygons into larger neighbouring classes), prioritisation of landscape classes when there was overlap of two or more classes, and improvement of data. Improvement of data (e.g. to code missing areas or re-code existing attributes) relied on the use of supplementary contextual data – maps, satellite imagery, reports or other ‘contextual’ datasets. Improvement was necessary particularly when defining the polygon water regime classes, where features and/or attributes within Dataset 4 (Bioregional Assessment Programme, Dataset 4) did not adequately cover all relevant aquatic features. The decision about how to proceed in these instances was based on an understanding of the quality of the input data (spatial accuracy, spatial resolution, attribute accuracy, currency) combined with an understanding both of the requirements of the output land classification for subsequent receptor analysis and of the Clarence-Moreton PAE landscape.
Table 3 Classification rule sets used for the polygon layers in the Clarence-Moreton bioregion
Each query discretises the listed dataset into the relevant classification type.
Landscape classification driver |
Type |
Relevant dataset citation |
Dataset (field)a |
GIS querya, b, c |
Geology |
Fractured rock |
Qld_RE_13 (LANDZONE) NSW_Mitchell_Landscapes_v3 (Lscape_Nam) |
If LANDZONE = (8 – Cenozoic igneous rock OR 11 – Metamorphic Rock) OR Lscape_Nam = (Baryulgil ultramafics OR Flat top basalts OR Lamington volcanic slopes OR Mount Warning plugs OR Nimbin ridges OR Woodenbong syenite plugs); ‘Geology’ = ‘Fractured rock’ |
Consolidated sedimentary rock |
Qld_RE_13 (LANDZONE) NSW_Mitchell_Landscapes_v3 (Lscape_Nam) |
If LANDZONE = 9-10 – Fine and coarse grained sedimentary rock OR Lscape_Nam = (Clarence-Manning basin margin OR Clarence foothills OR Grafton-Whipone basin OR Mount Warning exhumed slopes OR Nymboidea great escarpment OR Nymboidea meta-sediments OR Richmond range OR Summervale range); ‘Geology’ = ‘Consolidated sedimentary rock’ |
Alluvium |
Qld_RE_13 (LANDZONE) NSW_Mitchell_Landscapes_v3 (Lscape_Nam) |
If LANDZONE = (3 – Recent Quaternary alluvial system OR 5 – Tertiary early Quaternary loamy & sandy plains and plateaus) OR Lscape_Nam = (Byron-Tweed alluvial plains OR Clarence-Richmond alluvial plains OR Manning-Macleay coastal alluvial OR Upper Clarence channels & floodplains; ‘Geology’ = ‘Alluvium’ |
Estuarine |
Qld_RE_13 (LANDZONE) NSW_Mitchell_Landscapes_v3 (Lscape_Nam) |
If LANDZONE = 1 – Deposits subject to periodic tidal inundation OR Lscape_Nam = (Ballina coastal ramp OR Brooms Head-Kempsey coastal ramp OR Clarence-Richmond barriers and beaches OR Estuary/water added OR Manning-Macleay barriers and beaches); ‘Geology’ = ‘Estuarine’ |
Terrain |
Lowland |
Stein Index Classification for Streams National 20150513 (Value) |
If ‘Value’ = 1 (mrVBF* > 3); ‘Terrain’ = ‘Lowland’ |
Transitional |
Stein Index Classification for Streams National 20150513 (Value) |
If ‘Value’ = 2 (mrVBF* >=2.5 AND mrVBF<=3); ‘Terrain’ = ‘Transitional’ |
Low energy upland |
Stein Index Classification for Streams National 20150513 (Value) |
If ‘Value’ = 3 (mrVBF* <2.5 AND mrRTF >2.5); ‘Terrain’ = ‘Low energy upland’ |
High energy upland |
Stein Index Classification for Streams National 20150513 (Value) |
If ‘Value’ = 4 (mrVBF* < 2.5 AND mrRTF <= 2.5); ‘Terrain’ = ‘High energy upland’ |
Water regime |
Floodplain |
CLM_geofab_waterbody_wetlandinfo (FLOODPLAIN, WETCLASS) |
If ‘FLOODPLAIN = ‘F’ AND NOT (‘WETCLASS’ = ‘L’ OR ‘E’ OR P’) with contextual information; ‘Water regime’ = ‘Floodplain’ |
Floodplain lake |
CLM_geofab_waterbody_wetlandinfo (FLOODPLAIN, WETCLASS, SrcFCName) |
If (‘FLOODPLAIN = ‘F’ AND ‘WETCLASS’ = ‘L’) OR (‘SrcFCName’ = ‘Lakes’ with visual inspection using Dataset 2 to recode some of these features to ‘floodplain lake’) with contextual information; ‘Water regime’ = ‘Floodplain lake’ |
Artificial reservoir |
CLM_geofab_waterbody_wetlandinfo (HYDROMOD_L, SrcFCName) |
If (‘HYDROMOD_L’ = ‘artificial wetlands – dams, ringtanks’ OR ‘modified – dams or weirs’) OR “SrcFCName” = ‘Reservoirs’ with contextual information; ‘Water regime’ = ‘Artificial reservoir’ |
Non-floodplain lake |
CLM_geofab_waterbody_wetlandinfo (WETCLASS, FLOODPLAIN, SrcFCName) |
If [‘WETCLASS’ = ‘L’ AND NOT (‘FLOODPLAIN’ = ‘F’)] OR (‘SrcFCName’ = ‘Lakes’ with visual inspection using Dataset 2 to recode some of these features to ‘Non-floodplain lake’) with contextual information; ‘Water regime’ = ‘Non-floodplain lake’ |
Floodplain swamp |
CLM_geofab_waterbody_wetlandinfo (FLOODPLAIN, WETCLASS, HAB_L) |
If ‘FLOODPLAIN’ = ‘F’ AND (WETCLASS = ‘E’ OR ‘P’) AND ‘HAB_L’ = ‘Coastal/ Sub-coastal floodplain tree swamps (Melaleuca and Eucalypt)’ with contextual information; ‘Water regime’ = ‘ Floodplain swamp’ |
Non-floodplain swamp |
CLM_geofab_waterbody_wetlandinfo (FLOODPLAIN, SrcFType, HAB_L) |
If ‘FLOODPLAIN’ = NOT ‘F’ AND (SrcFType = ‘swamp’) AND ‘HAB_L’ = ‘Coastal/ Sub-coastal non-floodplain grass, sedge and herb swamps’ with contextual information; ‘Water regime’ = ‘Non-floodplain swamp’ |
Vegetation |
Rainforest |
If ‘MVG_NAME’ = ‘Rainforests and Vine Thickets’; ’Vegetation’ = ‘Rainforest’ |
Open forest (wet sclerophyll forest) |
If ‘MVG_NAME’ = ‘Eucalypt Tall Open Forests’; ’Vegetation’ = ‘Open forest (wet sclerophyll forest)’ |
Woodland (dry sclerophyll forest) |
If ‘MVG_NAME’ = ‘Eucalypt Open Forests/Eucalypt Low Open Forests/Eucalypt Woodlands/Acacia Forests and woodlands/Callitris Forests and woodlands’; ’Vegetation’ = ‘Woodland (dry sclerophyll forest)’ |
Shrubland |
If ‘MVG_NAME’ = ‘Acacia Shrublands/Other Shrublands/ Heathlands/Chenopod Shrublands/Samphire Shrublands and Forblands’; ’Vegetation’ = ‘Shrubland’ |
Grassland |
If ‘MVG_NAME’ = ‘Tussock grasslands/Other Grasslands/Herblands/Sedgelands and Rushlands’; ’Vegetation’ = ‘Grassland’ |
Mangrove |
If ‘MVG_NAME’ = ‘Mangroves’; ‘Vegetation’ = ‘Mangrove’ |
Groundwater- dependent ecosystems |
Southeast Queensland GDE surface areas (GDE_TYPE) Southeast Queensland GDE terrestrial areas (GDE_TYPE) |
NSW Northern Rivers GDE (Type) |
If ‘Type’ = ‘Terrestrial’ OR ‘Type’ = ‘Wetland’; ‘GDE’ = ‘Terrestrial’ OR ‘Wetland’ ELSE NULL |
Modified landscape |
Dryland agriculture |
Basin Scale Land Use of Australia - 2014 (Primary_v7) |
If ‘Primary_V7’ = ‘Production from dryland agriculture and plantations’; ‘Vegetation’ = ‘Dryland agriculture’ |
Irrigated agriculture |
Basin Scale Land Use of Australia - 2014 (Primary_v7) |
If ‘Primary_V7’ = ‘Production from irrigated agriculture and plantations’; ‘Irrigated agriculture’ = ‘Production from irrigated agriculture and plantations’ |
Urban |
GEODATA TOPO 250k Series 3 – BuiltUpAreas (FEATURETYPE) |
If ‘FEATURETYPE’ = ‘Built Up Area’ AND visual analysis of more recent data indicates urban areas; ‘Urban’= ‘Urban’ |
Other |
Other |
If NOT any other class |
aGIS = geographic information system
bPunctuation and typography used as in the dataset
cTerms refer to attribute column headings and attributes within the relevant GIS dataset(s)
mrVBF* = multi-resolution valley bottom flatness; mrRTF = multi-resolution ridge top flatness ; GDE = groundwater-dependent ecosystem Classification of watercourses (represented by line-based data)
The approach to classifying watercourses in the PAE broadly focused on whether or not they were streams or rivers. The watercourses were primarily based on the Bureau of Meteorology’s Geofabric cartographic mapping of river channels derived from 1:250,000 topographic maps (Bureau of Meteorology, Dataset 10). The Geofabric is a purpose-built geographic information system (GIS) that maps Australian rivers and streams and identifies their hydrologic connections. Detailed descriptions of the Geofabric can be found in the Geofabric product guide (Bureau of Meteorology, 2012). The water regime of the Geofabric watercourses was defined according to their hierarchy – either as ‘river’ (hierarchy ‘major’) or ‘stream’ (hierarchy ‘minor’). The major hierarchy relates to large in-channel bodies of moving water, including large anabranching systems that are mostly perennial. Minor hierarchy streams are smaller in-channel bodies of moving water, including creeks, and are tributaries or distributaries of a river. They can be ephemeral in nature (Brooks et al., 2014).
Rivers were further classed as ‘tidal river’ with upstream tidal limits based on information derived from relevant published reports (Department of Natural Resources, 2006; Middelmann et al., 2000; Gold Coast City Council (n.d.); Anorov, 2004).
The Geofabric watercourse mapping is a line dataset. As part of the process to derive the output landscape classes, all Geofabric watercourses were buffered by 0.5 m on either side of the watercourse (i.e. a total of 1 m). This did not adequately represent the true extent of some watercourses – particularly estuaries and wide rivers. Accordingly, the estuary watercourses were broadened to reflect their real extent as defined in Dataset 5 (Department of the Environment, Dataset 5), where NVIS4_1 dataset classes were ‘sea and estuaries’ and ‘inland aquatic – freshwater, salt lakes, lagoons’ and where these waterbodies were not already captured in the aquatic classes defined in Table 3.
The differentiation between freshwater streams and rivers served, in part, to acknowledge the hierarchical differences in geomorphological and ecological processes within main channel depositional zones as opposed to smaller tributary systems. These rivers and streams were further differentiated from estuarine watercourses, to reflect major functional differences in hydrological processes and ecological functions (Table 4).
Table 4 Classification rule sets used for the line layers in the Clarence-Moreton bioregion
aPunctuation and typography used as in the dataset Classification of springs, waterholes and waterfalls (represented by point-based data)
In the absence of adequate spatial datasets defining the location of springs, waterholes and waterfalls, these were classified based on their occurrence in the water-dependent asset register (see companion product 1.3 for the Clarence-Morton bioregion (Murray et al., 2015)) (Table 5). Processing of all points included buffering to 0.5 m (1 m diameter).
Table 5 Classification rule sets used for the point layer in the Clarence-Moreton bioregion
aPunctuation and typography used as in the dataset Distribution of landscape classes
Thirty-five landscape classes were defined for the PAE of the Clarence-Moreton bioregion (Table 6 and Table 7). For the water regime classes (other than ‘Springs and waterholes; waterfalls’), these landscape classes are a function of the four geological types and the four terrain types defined in Table 3, resulting in 24 landscape classes. The importance of geology as the main landscape-forming driver is discussed in the geology section (see Section and Section Most of the PAE (60.4%) is a modified landscape with by far the largest landscape class being ‘Dryland agriculture’ (57.5%) (Table 6). Natural vegetation landscape classes and associated GDEs cover 37.8% of the PAE, with ‘Woodland’ being the largest of these (23.3%), followed by ‘Open forest’ (8.0%) and ‘Rainforest’ (5.2%) (Figure 30 and Figure 31). Meaningful comparisons between total areas of hydrological landscape derived from line and point input datasets (‘Stream’, ‘River’, ‘Tidal river’, ‘Waterfalls’, and ‘Springs and waterholes’ landscape classes) cannot be made, as their mapped area is not a true representation of their actual size (a feature of the processing methodology, as outlined in the previous section). However, Table 7 provides length attributes for the landscape classes based on linear features (rivers, streams).
Table 6 Area and percentage representation of landscape classes across the preliminary assessment extent (PAE) of the Clarence-Moreton bioregion – non-river and non-stream landscape classes only
GDE = groundwater-dependent ecosystem
aTotal land area of ’Waterfalls’ and ‘Springs and waterholes’ landscape classes is distorted because of the buffer (0.5 m radius) applied to all of these point features which does not represent true size.
Table 7 Length of stream network represented by stream and river landscape classes across the preliminary assessment extent (PAE) of the Clarence-Moreton bioregion
(a) the PAE in the Clarence-Moreton bioregion, (b) area surrounding Casino, NSW in the Richmond river basin, and (c) zoomed in area adjacent to Casino, NSW, within the PAE
Names of landscape classes are listed beside the corresponding landscape class number in Table 6 and Table 7.
Data: Bioregional Assessment Programme (Dataset 13)
(a) the PAE in the Clarence-Moreton bioregion, (b) subset of the PAE near of the Border Ranges, on the NSW–Queensland border, and (c) subset of the PAE in the Wardell-Broadwater area, NSW
Data: Bioregional Assessment Programme (Dataset 13) Description of landscape classes
The landscape classes were divided chiefly according to geological properties. Detailed information and conceptual models for geology are reported in the geology section (see Section Fractured igneous rock
Fractured rock (in the Clarence-Moreton bioregion this is mostly extrusive igneous rock such as basalt) is commonly unsaturated and has a high permeability due to its well-developed fracture network. Water infiltrates through the fractures in the recharge zone, and is stored within, and transmitted through, the fractures and primary pore space towards the edge of basalt flows. Here, it discharges back to the surface as springs and provides baseflow to streams (see Section and Section for more detail). Within this category, there were three landscape classes comprising surface water environments (Table 8).
Table 8 Surface water landscape classes within fractured igneous rock in the Clarence-Moreton bioregion Consolidated sedimentary rock
Consolidated sedimentary rock consists of unsaturated to saturated, low to highly permeable rock that stores and transmits groundwater through the pore space of the rock. Groundwater may be transmitted to hydraulically connected aquifers, or discharged at the surface (Section This category resulted in four landscape classes comprising three flowing water and one still water environment (Table 9).
Table 9 Surface water landscape classes within consolidated sedimentary rock in the Clarence-Moreton bioregion Unconsolidated sediments – alluvium
Alluvium consists of unconsolidated sand, clay and gravel surrounding modern-day water channels as well as paleochannels and floodplains. Alluvium has fluctuating levels of saturation as water fills and discharges from the intergranular pore space between the sediments (Section This category contains 12 landscape classes (Table 10).
Table 10 Surface water landscape classes within alluvium in the Clarence-Moreton bioregion
The hydrological features of the Clarence-Moreton bioregion, allowing water movement and sediment deposits across the river basins, are associated with the erosional flatness index (Gallant and Dowling, 2003). Floodplains occur in flatter valley bottom areas with minimal relief, which is limited in this bioregion to the alluvium within the immediate vicinity of the rivers and streams. Floodplain lakes and swamps (Figure 32(a)) experience periodic inflow from overbank flows from rivers, as well as outflows. They also experience dry periods, where no flow occurs and the water bodies decrease in size. Non-floodplain swamps (Figure 32(b) and Figure 33) are dependent on groundwater. In dry seasons, recharge of groundwater as well as evaporation and plant transpiration can remove water from these swamps, leaving only refuge pools or even lead to them completely drying up. Plant communities have adapted to these conditions; and fauna either have adapted or leave the area until water returns in the wet/dry cycle of these environments (DSITIA, 2015).
Figure 32 Conceptual models of coastal and subcoastal swamps in the wet season
The first conceptual model (a) depicts a floodplain tree swamp, classified as an ‘Alluvium lowland or transitional floodplain swamp’, with Melaleuca and Eucalypt species. The second conceptual model (b) depicts a non-floodplain wet heath swamp, classified as an ‘Alluvium, all terrain, non-floodplain swamp’.
Data: DSITI (Dataset 12), ‘Coastal and subcoastal floodplain tree swamp–Melaleuca spp. and Eucalyptus spp.’ and ‘Coastal and subcoastal floodplain wet heath swamp’, © The State of Queensland (Department of Science, Information Technology and Innovation) 2015 Unconsolidated sediments – estuarine
Estuarine zones represent the interface between freshwater and marine environments. Estuarine sediments consist of unconsolidated sand, clay and gravel, forming saturated estuarine mud flats and coastal swamps in places. Rivers discharge freshwater sediments and nutrients into the estuary and these zones also experience a tidal influence from the sea. This category contains four landscape classes (Table 11).
Table 11 Surface water landscape classes within estuarine zones in the Clarence-Moreton bioregion
Estuarine zones can also be influenced by the presence of accessible groundwater and associated GDEs. Figure 33 shows the estuarine zone interface between the alluvium and marine environments and the movement of groundwater, including terrestrial and surface expression GDEs.
GDE = groundwater-dependent ecosystem
Data: DSITI (Dataset 12), ‘Low-lying coastal swamps’, © The State of Queensland (Department of Science, Information Technology and Innovation) 2015 Other hydrological landscapes (all geology)
Other hydrological data (non-economic) that did not fit into the above classes were classified separately regardless of geology or terrain. This resulted in three other landscape classes (Table 12).
Table 12 Other surface water landscape classes within Clarence-Moreton bioregion Vegetation ecosystems (including associated groundwater-dependent ecosystem)
Terrestrial vegetation was classified under the main vegetation groups. Cleared land was classified according to its land use. GDEs were present in all vegetation classes and were considered a sub-class of each vegetation class. This resulted in eight landscape classes and eight GDE sub-classes (Table 13).
Table 13 Vegetation landscape classes for natural and modified landscapes, including groundwater dependent ecosystems within each vegetation landscape class in the Clarence-Moreton bioregion
The unconsolidated sedimentary environments may include unconfined aquifers, where groundwater moves through inter-granular voids between gravel and sand particles (DSITIA, 2015). GDEs are reliant on this groundwater present at least intermittently in these low-lying coastal environments (Figure 33 and Figure 34).
Data: DSITI (Dataset 12), ‘Alluvia—lower basin’, © The State of Queensland (Department of Science, Information Technology and Innovation) 2015
There were other categories that did not fit into the above landscape classes (Table 14). Urban landscapes, including towns, were given a separate class. Areas that could not be classified into an appropriate landscape class were placed in an ‘other’ category. This category is commonly a legacy of the original data layers, where there was insufficient spatial information to classify the area.
Table 14 Other classes that did not fit well into a landscape classification in the Clarence-Moreton bioregion Summary of landscape classes in the Clarence-Moreton bioregion
The following summary table (Table 15) lists the individual landscape classes with their associated vegetation communities, threatened communities and species, along with the nature of water dependency. It also provides some examples of associated assets within each landscape class. Note that items listed in the associated vegetation communities, threatened species and communities and the assets do not represent a complete list but are only a subset (refer to companion product 1.3 for the Clarence-Moreton bioregion (Murray et. al., 2015) for a full list).
Table 15 Location, associated communities, threatened species and threatened ecological communities, nature of dependency and water regime for the landscape classes of the Clarence-Moreton bioregion
aSpatial scale refers to the flow system and its predominant pattern at local (100 to 104 m2), landscape (104 to 108 m2) or regional (108 to 1010 m2) scales in last column.
bTemporal scale of the water regime refers to the timing and frequency of the reliance on a particular water source in last column.
GDE = groundwater-dependent ecosystem
Data: Bioregional Assessment Programme (Dataset 11)