The ‘Conceptual modelling of causal pathways’ workshop was held in Sydney in June 2015. The key components of the three-dimensional geological model for the Clarence-Moreton bioregion were described with emphasis on the Richmond river basin. This is attributed to the fact that the ACRD in the Clarence-Moreton bioregion is restricted to a potential CSG development near Casino, NSW. Detailed cross-sections showing the underlying geological stratigraphy in the Richmond river basin were presented; those cross-sections constituted the main underpinning for conceptualising the causal pathway. The landscape classification of the Clarence-Moreton bioregion is underpinned by the comprehensive understanding of the geology, which was achieved through the development of the three-dimensional geological model for the bioregion (Section 2.3.2 of this product). As the surface geology is an important influence on the landscapes of the Clarence-Moreton bioregion, the four main types of surface geology were used to classify landscapes in the bioregion. They are: fractured rock, consolidated sedimentary rock, unconsolidated sediments – alluvium and unconsolidated sediments – estuarine and coastal. The development of the Clarence-Moreton landscape classification is outlined in detail in Section .
There are no pre-existing CSG developments in the bioregion, and therefore, there is no baseline CSG development in the CRDP. There is one currently operating coal mine (Jeebropilly Mine in the Bremer river basin) in the baseline. Furthermore, one potential CSG development (the Metgasco West Casino Gas Project in the Richmond river basin) is included in the CRDP as an ACRD. As there is no hydraulic connection between the Richmond river basin and the Bremer river basin due to a prominent basement high that separates the hydrostratigraphic units, the groundwater model does not include the Bremer river basin and hence modelling focuses on the ACRD component of the CDRP in the Richmond river basin.
The potential causal pathways considered the CSG development included in the groundwater model, the impact causes and modes, the activities and the resulting water-related effects identified by the IMEA. The resulting water-related effects were grouped into four main causal pathways groups, which are described in detail in Section 2.3.5 . Throughout the interactive presentations and consultation process with the key stakeholders, the Assessment team was able to refine their understanding of the key processes thus resulting in a better conceptualisation of the causal pathways. Discussions with the stakeholders also focused on knowledge gaps and uncertainties identified by the Assessment team.