The Gippsland Basin Asset workshop, held in December 2014, identified ovals and playing fields as a potential dataset for inclusion. As these data are held by local councils, information about water sources used for irrigation of ovals and playing fields is likely to be of variable coverage and quality. This data will require review prior to inclusion in the asset register and are currently not included in this assessment.
Meetings have been held with Indigenous knowledge holders in the Gippsland Basin bioregion to gain further understanding of Indigenous cultural water-dependent assets. Where possible and appropriate, and with the agreement of Indigenous knowledge holders, these additional Indigenous water-related values will be published in a separate report. Identified assets will be incorporated into an updated water-dependent asset register (available at and/or incorporated into later technical products.
Table 14 Number of sociocultural assets according to subgroup and class in the preliminary assessment extent (PAE) of the Gippsland Basin bioregion
Subgroup |
Asset class |
Number of assets |
Cultural |
Heritage site |
132 |
Indigenous site |
11 |
Social |
Recreation site |
92 |
Data: Bioregional Assessment Programme (Dataset 5)