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- Bioregional Assessment Program
- Hunter subregion
- 2.3 Conceptual modelling for the Hunter subregion
- 2.3.3 Ecosystems
- Landscape classification Methodology
Subregions or bioregions contain a large number and diverse range of assets. To deal with this complexity, a landscape classification approach is used to systematically class landscape features that are hydrologically and biologically similar or connected. Landscape classification aims to reduce asset complexity to a limited number of regional-scale classes appropriate for the Assessment. The classes are mutually exclusive and comprehensive such that all assets in a BA are a member of at least one landscape class. Landscape classes guide the development of conceptual models that underpin receptor impact models and reporting of risk and impacts. Wherever possible, landscape classes use existing data sources and classifications. This section describes the methodology and datasets used to arrive at the landscape classification for ecological assets within the PAE of the Hunter subregion. Landscape classes were defined within five broad landscape groups: ‘Riverine’, ‘GDE’, ‘Coastal lakes and estuaries’, ‘Non-GDE vegetation’ and ‘Economic land use’ (Table 4).
Table 4 Landscape groups and landscape classes in the Hunter subregion
Data: Bioregional Assessment Programme (Dataset 1)
The water dependencies of landscape classes were classified as follows:
- surface water – these landscapes may rely on surface flows from flooding events for their maintenance
- local groundwater – these landscapes may rely on local aquifers that are unconnected to regional groundwater aquifers (e.g. perched aquifers above basement rock). They may not be affected by abstraction of regional groundwater or changed surface water flows, yet could be impacted by local development such as open-cut mining (depending on distance between the operation and the vegetation community and hydrological conductance of the alluvial system)
- regional groundwater – these landscapes may rely on water from regional groundwater aquifers for their productivity and survival at least occasionally. Some may be dependent on access to groundwater at all times. Some may be able to survive or adjust to removal of groundwater, depending on the rate of abstraction, but their current structure and floristic composition may be altered as a result
- tidal – estuarine communities are sensitive to tidal flows in addition to groundwater and surface water flows. They can be impacted by changes in geomorphology of the estuary and patterns of sedimentation that might result from altered surface water flows, and by changes in salinity in upper estuarine reaches in situations of altered fresh surface water and groundwater inflows
- uncertain – may depend on any of regional groundwater, local groundwater or surface water, and water dependence may be location specific.
The water dependence of landscape classes was assessed by the BA teams in consultation with external experts but will be explored in greater depth during the development of qualitative models (see companion product 2.7 for the Hunter subregion (Hosack et al., 2018)).
‘Riverine’ landscape group
A classification system for rivers was provided by DPI Water (formerly the NSW Office of Water) that combined ecohydrology (flow percentiles and hydrology class) and landscape considerations (stream order) and applied to the Bureau of Meteorology’s Geofabric stream network (Bureau of Meteorology, Dataset 2). This classification scheme yielded four riverine landscape classes, broadly based on Kennard et al. (2008):
- ‘Permanent or perennial’ (strong baseflow contribution)
- ‘Lowly to moderately intermittent’ (rarely cease to flow; moderate baseflow contribution)
- ‘Moderately to highly intermittent’ (regularly cease to flow; runoff dominated)
- ‘Highly intermittent or ephemeral’ (rarely flow; runoff dominated).
The ‘Permanent or perennial’ landscape classes broadly correspond to the ‘stable baseflow’ classes from Kennard et al. (2010; Classes 1, 2 and 3) while the ‘Lowly to moderately intermittent’ river landscape classes correspond broadly to the ‘unstable baseflow’ and ‘rarely intermittent’ classes from Kennard et al. (2010; Classes 4 and 5). Perennial streams have flow at least 80% of the year, and an appreciable contribution of groundwater to baseflows. Kennard et al. (2008) reported a baseflow index of 0.15–0.40 for perennial streams. ‘Lowly to moderately intermittent’ landscape classes are characterised by streams that cease flowing more often than perennial streams and have a lesser (0.15–0.20) baseflow contribution (Kennard et al., 2008).
‘GDE’ landscape group
The DPI Water methodology (Kuginis et al., 2016) defines groundwater-dependent ecosystems (GDEs) as ecosystems ‘that require access to groundwater to meet all or some of their water requirements so as to maintain their communities of plants and animals, ecological processes and ecosystem services’. Dependence on groundwater can range from obligate to partial or infrequent (Zencich et al., 2002) but excludes species that rely exclusively on soil water in the unsaturated zone. The classification of mapped GDEs is based on Sivertsen et al. (2011) which adopts Keith’s (2004) classification of vegetation communities into ‘formations’ and ‘classes’. ‘Vegetation formation’ is the top level of the hierarchy in Keith’s vegetation classification system. Formations represent broad groups distinguished primarily by structural and physiognomic features, with the addition of functional features such as salinity and drought tolerance in some cases (Keith, 2004).
Landscape classes within the ‘GDE’ landscape group were based on mapping of GDEs by DPI Water (NSW Office of Water, Dataset 3). The DPI Water’s methodology combines vegetation mapping, optical remote sensing and watertable level data (where available) with expert knowledge to compile maps of high probability, high ecological value and high priority GDEs. This data source was chosen ahead of alternatives such as the National atlas of groundwater dependent ecosystems (Bureau of Meteorology, Dataset 5) owing to its local detail and currency. Furthermore, the vegetation classification intrinsic to Dataset 3 (NSW Office of Water) allowed the classification of landscape classes to reflect the underlying function of the wetlands with which they are associated (Table 5). Of the 12 vegetation formations defined across NSW, eight have been identified in the Hunter PAE (Table 5), and all are identified as high probability GDEs. In addition, four springs (not listed in Table 5) were identified and included as a landscape class.
Table 5 Description of Keith’s vegetation formations within the ‘GDE’ landscape group
Springs are not described because they are not a vegetation formation.
Data: Somerville (2009) and Keith (2004)
‘Coastal lakes and estuaries’ landscape group
The landscape classes within this landscape group are based on mapping of coastal lakes and estuaries (NSW DECCW, Dataset 4), and mapping of saline wetlands (mangroves and saltmarshes) and seagrasses (Victorian DPI, Dataset 6). For estuaries and lakes the Assessment team adopted the classification scheme used by the NSW Department of Environment and Heritage (Roper et al., 2011), which classifies estuaries and lakes based on dilution factors, tidal flushing times and geomorphology. The dilution factor is the ratio of the estuary volume to the volume of runoff from a large rainfall event, assumed at 10% of the total annual inflow. As an example, a factor of 15 would indicate that the estuary volume is 15 times larger than the runoff from a large rainfall event (Roper et al., 2011). Roper et al. (2011) provides details on the calculation of tidal flushing times. This classification scheme reflects the vulnerability of the water bodies to changes in the volume and quality of flows entering the estuarine systems. The names of the estuarine classes represent the dominant geomorphic type within each of three groups with different hydrologic conceptual models:
- The landscape classes ‘Drowned valleys’ and ‘Lakes’ are permanently open systems with large dilution capacities (greater than 3) and only minor deterioration in water quality during rainfall. Tidal flushing times range from 10 to 1000 days. These include systems such as Lake Macquarie and Tuggerah Lakes, and Port Stephens Estuary. No bays are present in the Hunter PAE.
- The ‘Barrier river’ landscape class includes permanently open systems that are typically mature barrier riverine estuaries or mature forms of wave dominated estuaries. Dilution factors range from 0.1 to 3 and flush times range from 3 to 30 days. Within the Hunter PAE, the Hunter and Karuah rivers fall within this class.
- The two landscape classes ‘Lagoons’ and ‘Creeks’, are small, intermittently open lakes, lagoons and creeks. Dilution factors range from very small values (0.001) to 3, meaning that the water quality in these systems will quickly reflect that of the inflowing water and that inflow can completely displace existing water. Tidal flushing times are short when open. Within the Hunter PAE, Avoca and Cochrone lakes, and Glenrock and Terrigal lagoons, fall within these classes.
Although Keith (2004) grouped saltmarshes, mangroves and seagrasses together as a single vegetation formation, for BA purposes seagrasses are treated separately owing to their being fully submerged and completing their entire life cycle under water. Hence, two additional landscape classes have been identified within the ‘Coastal lakes and estuaries’ landscape group:
- The ‘Saline wetlands’ landscape class occurs on areas of impeded drainage with high levels of salt, such as estuarine areas or inland lakes where high levels of evaporation lead to the accumulation of surface salts, and are dominated by halophilic species, including mangroves and saltmarshes (Somerville, 2009) but exclude seagrasses.
- The ‘Seagrass’ landscape class includes simple communities ranging from open to dense in their cover, usually with just a single flowering plant species (Keith, 2004). They are fully submerged although the leaves may float on the water surface. There may be many species of algae present as epiphytes on their leaves.
‘Non-GDE vegetation’ landscape group
Native vegetation that was not classified as a high probability GDE and not placed in the ‘GDE’ landscape group was placed in this group. This vegetation was represented by the same vegetation formations and classes as the GDE vegetation.
‘Economic land use’ landscape group
All areas of the subregion that did not fall into one of the above categories were assigned to landscape classes based on the Australian Land Use and Management (ALUM) classification (for catchment-scale land use classification in Australia), Update 14 (ABARE-BRS, Dataset 8), was used. Description of landscape classes
‘Riverine’ landscape group
All four stream hydrology classes are present in the Hunter PAE. The ‘Perennial’ and ‘Lowly to moderately intermittent’ landscape classes are likely to have significant groundwater dependence, whereas moderately and strongly intermittent streams are strongly surface water (runoff) dependent. Of the nearly 15,000 km of river length within the Hunter PAE (Figure 11) that were classified using the DPI Water approach (Section, over 11,000 km are highly intermittent ephemeral streams, 1900 km are perennial, 1200 km are moderately to highly intermittent and 900 km are lowly to moderately intermittent.
The riverine aquatic habitats of the Hunter PAE range from fresh montane streams to lowland floodplains and associated wetlands. The rivers and streams provide in-channel habitat for fish such as gudgeon and hardyhead, breeding habitat for various amphibians including the Booroolong, stuttering and giant burrowing frogs, the green and gold bell frog and the giant barred frog, as well as a migration pathway between estuarine and freshwater environments for species of fish such as perch, bass and mullet. Platypus can be found in the major permanent river systems of NSW, including the Hunter subregion.
Rivers are classified using the method of DPI Water (Section, which is based on stream order and ecohydrology and have not been verified.
Data: Bioregional Assessment Programme (Dataset 10)
‘GDE’ landscape group
The total area of GDEs identified in the Hunter PAE is 358 km2, and is dominated by the ‘Forested wetland’ (150 km2) and ‘Dry sclerophyll forest’ (90 km2) landscape classes, with significant areas of ‘Rainforest’ and ‘Freshwater wetland’ landscape classes. The areas of each landscape class and associated Keith vegetation class within the PAE are given in Table 6, and their distribution is shown in Figure 12.
In the Hunter subregion, the ‘Forested wetland’ landscape class is dominated by the Keith vegetation class ‘Coastal swamp forest’, although there are large areas of Keith’s ‘Coastal floodplain wetlands’ and ‘Eastern riverine forests’ classes. The ‘Rainforest’ landscape class is dominated by the Keith vegetation class ‘Northern warm temperate rainforests’, the ‘Wet sclerophyll forest’ landscape class is dominated by Keith’s ‘North Coast wet sclerophyll forests’ class, and the ‘Freshwater wetland’ landscape class is dominated by Keith’s ‘Coastal freshwater lagoons’ vegetation class. Other large areas of GDEs include Keith’s Coastal dune dry sclerophyll forests’, ‘Sydney coastal dry sclerophyll forests’ and ‘Sydney sand flats dry sclerophyll forests’ vegetation classes within the ‘Dry sclerophyll forest’ landscape class (Table 6).
Table 6 Area of landscape classes within the ‘GDE’ landscape group, their percentage of the total ‘GDE’ landscape group area and their hypothesised water dependency for the Hunter subregion
Landscape class |
Keitha (2004) vegetation class |
Landscape class area (km2) |
Percentage of total area of ‘GDE’ landscape group (%) |
Hypothesised water dependency |
Dry sclerophyll forest |
Coastal dune dry sclerophyll forests |
28.1 |
7.8% |
Uncertain |
Hunter-Macleay dry sclerophyll forests |
8.3 |
2.3% |
Uncertain |
North Coast dry sclerophyll forests |
1.6 |
0.4% |
Uncertain |
North-west Slopes dry sclerophyll woodlands |
0.0 |
0.0% |
Uncertain |
South Coast sands dry sclerophyll forests |
3.1 |
0.9% |
Uncertain |
Sydney coastal dry sclerophyll forests |
28.0 |
7.8% |
Uncertain |
Sydney hinterland dry sclerophyll forests |
0.8 |
0.2% |
Uncertain |
Sydney montane dry sclerophyll forests |
0.1 |
0.0% |
Uncertain |
Sydney sand flats dry sclerophyll forests |
20.7 |
5.8% |
Uncertain |
Western Slopes dry sclerophyll forests |
0.4 |
0.1% |
Uncertain |
Forested wetland |
Coast and tableland riverine forests |
17.7 |
4.9% |
Regional groundwater; surface water |
Coastal swamp forests |
64.2 |
17.9% |
Regional groundwater |
Coastal floodplain wetlands |
39.9 |
11.2% |
Regional groundwater; surface water |
Eastern riverine forests |
29.0 |
8.1% |
Regional groundwater; surface water |
Freshwater wetland |
Coastal freshwater lagoons |
31.6 |
8.8% |
Regional groundwater |
Coastal heath swamps |
3.0 |
0.8% |
Local groundwater |
Grassy woodland |
New England grassy woodlands |
0. 6 |
0.2% |
Uncertain |
Western slopes grassy woodlands |
12.0 |
3.4% |
Uncertain |
Heathland |
Coastal headland heaths |
1.4 |
0.4% |
Uncertain |
Sydney coastal heaths |
1.2 |
0.3% |
Uncertain |
Wallum sand heaths |
11.4 |
3.2% |
Uncertain |
Rainforest |
Dry rainforests |
0.5 |
0.1% |
Regional groundwater |
Littoral rainforests |
1.9 |
0.5% |
Regional groundwater |
Northern warm temperate rainforests |
37.8 |
10.6% |
Local and regional groundwater |
Subtropical rainforests |
0 |
0.0% |
Regional groundwater; surface water |
Semi-arid woodland |
Riverine plain woodlands |
0.6 |
0.2% |
Surface water |
Wet sclerophyll forest |
North Coast wet sclerophyll forests |
9.2 |
2.6% |
Uncertain |
Northern escarpment wet sclerophyll forests |
0.2 |
0.1% |
Uncertain |
Northern hinterland wet sclerophyll forests |
0.2 |
0.0% |
Uncertain |
Northern tableland wet sclerophyll forests |
4.5 |
1.3% |
Uncertain |
Southern escarpment wet sclerophyll forests |
0.1 |
0.0% |
Uncertain |
Spring |
Springs |
~0.01 |
0.0% |
Regional groundwater |
The Hunter subregion and PAE cover 17,045 km2.
GDE = groundwater-dependent ecosystem
aKeith’s (2004) classification of vegetation communities into ‘formations’ and ‘classes’
Data: Bioregional Assessment Programme (Dataset 1)
Data: NSW Office of Water (Dataset 3), NSW DECCW (Dataset 4), Bureau of Meteorology (Dataset 5), Victorian DPI (Dataset 6)
GDEs provide habitat for many of the species whose potential distributions form part of the water-dependent asset register (Bioregional Assessment Programme, Dataset 9). For example, animals such as koalas, birds of prey, honeyeaters and flying foxes may live, roost or nest in trees within GDEs. GDEs along riverbanks provide travel corridors and feeding sites for animals such as quolls, ground nesting locations for animals such as platypus, and breeding locations for some frogs. Some state and Commonwealth-listed plant species, such as the leafless tongue orchid, may be associated with GDE vegetation.
The hypothesised water dependencies of Keith’s vegetation formations and associated vegetation classes (Keith, 2004) in the PAE of the Hunter subregion are presented in Table 6. These are based on general information about the location of the classes within the landscape, their characteristics and associated species from Keith (2004), and state agency sources (OEH, 2015). Although some vegetation formations have been judged as uncertain to be water dependent for the purposes of the BA, they are nonetheless present in the DPI Water mapping of GDEs (NSW Office of Water, Dataset 3). This reflects the large uncertainties associated with the remote classification of both vegetation formations (Hunter, 2015) and groundwater dependency (Eamus et al., 2015) (discussed in Section A recent study (Eco Logical Australia, 2016) concluded that, although there was not great accuracy in the mapping of individual plant community types (about 40% accuracy), there was much larger certainty (about 76% accuracy) in the identification of sites that were likely to be groundwater dependent. This uncertainty is a key reason why vegetation formation, rather than vegetation class, was adopted as the landscape class for the Hunter BA. GDEs in landscape classes that are potentially impacted by development will have more detailed conceptual models developed as part of receptor impact modelling (see companion product 2.7 for the Hunter subregion (Hosack et al., 2018)). Where a landscape class contains Keith’s vegetation classes that are likely to be heterogeneous with regard to their water requirements (e.g. ‘Forested wetland’ and ‘Freshwater wetland’ landscape classes), it may be necessary to develop multiple receptor impact models for that landscape class within a region.
‘Coastal lakes and estuaries’ landscape group
Most of the ‘Coastal lakes and estuaries’ landscape group comprises the ‘Lake’ (172 km2) and ‘Seagrass’ (39 km2) landscape classes. ‘Lagoon’ (9 km2), ‘Barrier river’ (13 km2) and ‘Saline wetland’ (30 km2) landscape classes made up most of the remainder of this landscape group; there are only 27 ha of ‘Creek’ and ‘Drowned valley’ landscape classes. The ‘Coastal lakes and estuaries’ landscape group is of great economic, social and environmental value (Ryan et al., 2003), supporting tourism and recreation as well as fisheries and aquaculture and may also serve as ports and sites for industrial development. The ‘Coastal lakes and estuaries’ landscape group supports numerous ecological communities including saline wetlands and seagrasses, which are shelter, breeding grounds and nurseries for marine, estuarine and terrestrial species. This landscape group supports ecological functions such as sediment trapping between coastal catchments and the marine environment, storing and cycling of nutrients, and absorbing, trapping and detoxifying pollutants. Saline wetlands are habitat for many birds (e.g. White-fronted Chat, kites and harriers), some mammals such as bats, kangaroos and wallabies, as well as invertebrates, and juvenile and small fish when inundated (Daly, 2013; Stewart and Fairfull, 2008). Migratory wading birds use estuaries and coastal lakes for summer feeding and roosting habitat. All landscape classes within the ‘Coastal lakes and estuaries’ landscape group, and especially aquatic landscape classes such as ‘Lake’, ‘Lagoon’, ‘Barrier river’, ‘Creek’ and ‘Drowned valley’ are likely to have a dependence on surface water, in addition to marine water and tidal flows, as described in the definition of those landscape classes in Section Large water bodies will have the least sensitivity to fresh surface water flows, whereas small water bodies are likely to be more sensitive. In addition, the ‘Saline wetland’ landscape class may be indirectly impacted by groundwater extraction, which can alter surface elevations and thus the periodicity of inundation resulting in shifts between saltmarsh and mangrove communities (Rogers and Saintilan, 2008; Saintilan and Rogers, 2009).
‘Non-GDE vegetation’ landscape group
Nearly 10,414km2 of native vegetation within the Hunter PAE is not classified as GDE. All the native vegetation outside that mapped in the ‘Riverine’, ‘GDE’ and ‘Coastal lakes and estuaries’ landscape groups is considered to not be dependent on surface water or groundwater. Of this 10,414 km2, over 96% is classified as ‘Dry sclerophyll forest’, ‘Wet sclerophyll forest’, ‘Woodland’ or ‘Grassland’; 2% is classified as ‘Rainforest’; 1% is classified as ‘Forested wetland’; 0.1% is classified as ‘Saline wetland’; and 0.1% is classified as ‘Freshwater wetland’. The fact that some of the native vegetation classified as ‘Forested wetland’ or ‘Freshwater wetland’ was not classified as GDE reflects the large uncertainties (see Section associated with the remote classification of both vegetation formation (Hunter, 2015) and groundwater dependency (Eamus et al., 2015).
‘Economic land use’ landscape group
These landscape classes were classified using ALUM (for catchment-scale land use management classification in Australia), Update 14 (Figure 13; ABARE-BRS, Dataset 8) as follows:
- ‘Plantation or production forestry’ (726 km2) – corresponding to ALUM classes 2.1 (‘Grazing native vegetation’), 2.2 (‘Production forestry’), 3.1 (‘Plantation forestry’) and 4.1 (‘Irrigated plantation forestry’)
- ‘Dryland agriculture’ (3819 km2) – corresponding to ALUM classes 3.2 (‘Grazing modified pastures’), 3.3 (‘Cropping’), 3.4 (‘Perennial horticulture’), 3.5 (‘Seasonal horticulture’) and 3.6 (‘Land in transition’)
- ‘Irrigated agriculture’ (252 km2) – corresponding to ALUM classes 4.2 (‘Grazing irrigated modified pastures’), 4.3 (‘Irrigated cropping’), 4.4 (‘Irrigated perennial horticulture’), 4.5 (‘Irrigated seasonal horticulture’) and 4.6 (‘Irrigated land in transition’)
- ‘Intensive use’ (1068 km2) – land is subject to substantial modification, generally in association with closer residential settlement, commercial or industrial uses. This class includes mining
- ‘Water’ (142 km2) – mainly reservoirs and dams.
GDE = groundwater-dependent ecosystem
Data: ABARES-BRS (Dataset 8)

Product Finalisation date
- 2.3.1 Methods
- 2.3.2 Summary of key system components, processes and interactions
- 2.3.3 Ecosystems
- 2.3.4 Baseline and coal resource development pathway
- 2.3.5 Conceptual modelling of causal pathways
- Citation
- Acknowledgements
- Currency of scientific results
- Contributors to the Technical Programme
- About this technical product