2.1.1 Geography


This section covers data characteristics, including accuracy, of geographic datasets used to inform the hydrological modelling for the Hunter subregion.

For physical geography brief descriptions are provided for (i) digital elevation model (DEM) data, (ii) vegetation height and (iii) land use datasets.

For climate data brief descriptions are provided for (i) precipitation (P), (ii) maximum and minimum air temperature (Tmax and Tmin, respectively) and (iii) net radiation (Rn).

Subregion-specific characterisation of errors of the input climate data for the long-term (from January 1980 to December 2009) monthly relative error values are reported. These errors have little impact on prediction of additional coal resource development (ACRD) impacts, but could improve the model calibrations.

All geographic data specific to the bioregional assessment (BA) of the Hunter subregion were obtained from state or national datasets. No statistical analyses or interpolations were undertaken within the Assessment to generate any of these datasets. Spatial datasets were clipped to the Hunter subregion boundary such that subregion characteristics could be identified and simple statistics calculated (e.g. areas, maximum elevation). Details of the source data and/or methods are provided in Section about observed data.

Spatial analyses specific to the Hunter subregion were undertaken on some of the meteorological datasets to characterise the errors for water balance modelling. These methods are presented in Section about statistical analysis and interpolation.

Last updated:
18 January 2019
Thumbnail of the Hunter subregion

Product Finalisation date