
The total number of registered ecological water-dependent assets in the PAE of the Maranoa-Balonne-Condamine subregion is 2200 (from a total of 2412 assets listed in the database), including 23 in the ‘Groundwater feature’ subgroup, 1688 in the ‘Surface water feature subgroup’ and 489 in the ‘Vegetation’ subgroup (Table 7). A total of 1688 surface water features (including assets classed as ‘River or stream reach, tributary, anabranch or bend’, ‘Lake, reservoir, lagoon or estuary’, ‘Waterhole, pool, rock pool or billabong’, ‘Wetland, wetland complex or swamp’ and ‘Floodplain’) and all 23 groundwater features (including ‘Aquifer’, ‘Geological feature’ and ‘Alluvium or stratum’) are assumed to be water dependent and are included in the water-dependent asset register. The total assets assessed for water dependency in the ‘Vegetation’ subgroup consist of 290 habitats (potential species distributions and protected areas), 348 groundwater-dependent ecosystems (GDEs) and 20 riparian vegetation assets. Overall, 90% of the GDEs and 54% of the habitat assets are classified as water dependent. Table 7 provides a breakdown of the relevant subgroups and classes of assets and their inclusion in the water-dependent asset register.

Table 7 Summary of ecological assets within the preliminary assessment extent (PAE) of the Maranoa-Balonne-Condamine subregion



Not in water-dependent asset register

In water-dependent asset register

Total assets (asset list)

Groundwater feature (subsurface)

Aquifer, geological feature, alluvium or stratum




Groundwater total




Surface water feature





Lake, reservoir, lagoon or estuary




Marsh, sedgeland, bog, spring or soak




River or stream reach, tributary, anabranch or bend




Waterhole, pool, rock pool or billabong




Wetland, wetland complex or swamp




Surface water total





Groundwater-dependent ecosystem




Habitat (potential species distribution)




Riparian vegetation




Vegetation total








Data: Bioregional Assessment Programme (Dataset 1) Groundwater features

The 23 groundwater features in the water-dependent asset register consist of geological features, alluvium and aquifers (Table 7). All aquifers are assumed to be water dependent and geological features and alluvium are deemed to be water dependent based on their spatial overlap with one or more criteria (see Section These include five Great Artesian Basin recharge areas, the Riverine Plain and upland alluvium groundwater flow systems, the Mulgildie and Stuart River groundwater management areas and several sandstone, alluvial and volcanic geological features including the Walloon Coal Measures and Wandoan formation. Three groundwater features are not included in the register because on closer inspection they did not occur within the PAE of the Maranoa-Balonne-Condamine subregion (Table 7). Surface water features

The number of ecological assets associated with the 'Surface water feature' subgroup, occurring in the PAE of the Maranoa-Balonne-Condamine subregion, is listed in Table 7. Forty surface water features are excluded from the register because on closer inspection they did not occur within the PAE of the Maranoa-Balonne-Condamine subregion (Table 7). All assets that occur in the PAE are assumed to be water dependent. There is a higher density of stream networks and therefore surface water features and 'Marsh, sedgeland, bog, Spring or soak' clustered around the northern and eastern portions of the PAE compared to other parts of the PAE (Figure 4). Among the 111 assets within the 'Wetland, wetland complex or swamp' class, six wetlands are listed in A directory of important wetlands in Australia (DIWA) (Environment Australia, 2001; Australian Government Department of the Environment, Dataset 2) and include the Balonne River Floodplain, Boggomoss Springs, Dalrymple and Blackfellow Creeks, Lake Broadwater, Palm Tree and Robinson Creeks and The Gums Lagoon (Figure 4).

Figure 4

Figure 4 Surface water features in Maranoa-Balonne-Condamine subregion preliminary asset extent (PAE)

A directory of important wetlands in Australia is a subset of the 'Wetland, wetland complex or swamp' class

Data: Bioregional Assessment Programme (Dataset 1), Australian Government Department of the Environment (Dataset 2) Vegetation

The asset database for the PAE of the Maranoa-Balonne-Condamine subregion contains a total of 658 assets within the 'Vegetation' subgroup of which a total of 489 assets are identified as water dependent.

Ecological communities

The PAE for the Maranoa-Balonne-Condamine subregion includes the potential habitat distribution of eight threatened ecological communities listed under the EPBC Act (Table 8). All eight of these communities demonstrate water dependency, in most cases are associated with alluvium (river and creek flats) as well as upland sites or are a dominant floodplain community (Figure 5 and Table 8). Furthermore, the community of native species dependent on natural discharge of groundwater from the Great Artesian Basin clearly demonstrates water dependency as it occurs in groundwater discharge areas within the PAE (Table 8).

There are 42 regional ecosystems listed as threatened under the Nature Conservation Act including several classified within those threatened ecological communities listed in the EPBC Act (e.g. Brigalow Acacia harpophylla dominant and co-dominant). The proportion of spatial overlap between the regional ecosystem and the surface and subsurface GDE layers (Bureau of Meteorology, 2012; Bureau of Meteorology, Dataset 4) was used to characterise the water dependency of many communities because of the lack of sufficient detail on habitat requirements for many of the regional ecosystems (see Section for further details). Of the 42 regional ecosystems identified within the PAE, 27 are included in the water-dependent asset register including several communities dominated by or in association with Brigalow (Acacia harpophylla).

Table 8 Threatened ecological communities listed under the Commonwealth’s Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 within the preliminary assessment extent (PAE) of the Maranoa-Balonne-Condamine subregion

The name of the threatened ecological community in the figure legend has been shortened (Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation of Australia (IBRA) subregion reference removed).




Brigalow (Acacia harpophylla dominant and co-dominant)


Community demonstrates water dependency, associated with alluvium (river and creek flats) as well as upland sites

Coolibah-black box woodlands


Community demonstrates water dependency, is a dominant floodplain vegetation community

Natural grasslands on basalt and fine-textured alluvial plains

Critically endangered

Community demonstrates water dependency, associated with alluvium (river and creek flats) as well as upland sites

Semi-evergreen vine thickets


Community demonstrates water dependency, associated with alluvium (river and creek flats) as well as upland sites

Swamp Tea-tree (Melaleuca irbyana)

Critically endangered

Community demonstrates water dependency, associated with alluvium (river and creek flats) as well as upland sites

The community of native species dependent on natural discharge of groundwater from the Great Artesian Basin


Community demonstrates water dependency, associated with groundwater discharge areas

Weeping Myall Woodlands


Community demonstrates water dependency, associated with alluvium (river and creek flats) as well as upland sites

White box-Yellow box-Blakely’s red gum grassy woodland and derived native grassland

Critically endangered

Community demonstrates water dependency, associated with alluvium (river and creek flats) as well as upland sites

Data: Australian Government Department of the Environment (Dataset 5)

Figure 5

Figure 5 The eight threatened ecological communities listed in the Commonwealth's Environment and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 included in the water-dependent asset register

Data: Australian Government Department of the Environment (Dataset 5)

Species habitats

The PAE for the Maranoa-Balonne-Condamine subregion includes the potential spatial habitat distribution of 99 species listed under the EPBC Act and a further 66 species listed under the Nature Conservation Act. Amongst the 99 EPBC Act-listed species, almost half (22 bird, four mammal, 11 plant, five reptile, one fish, one invertebrate and one amphibian) are included in the water-dependent asset register (Table 9). Among the 66 species listed under the Nature Conservation Act, 23 are included in the water-dependent asset register including three amphibians, four birds, three mammals, 11 plants and two reptiles (Table 10). The asset under consideration is the habitat of these species rather than the species per se, hence these assets are listed under the 'Vegetation' subgroup. These species habitats are considered water dependent if there is evidence for any of the following habitat conditions:

  • an association with drainage lines
  • an association with alluvial and soakage areas
  • an association with wetland and/or permanent open water
  • a dependency or an association with floodplain or riparian vegetation communities
  • an association with mound springs.

The decision not to include species in the register was based on evidence from species profiles and other published material that show that these habitats are almost entirely restricted to grassland, woodland, dry scrub, open forest, heathlands or rainforest vegetation communities or rocky outcrops.

Table 9 Species listed under the Commonwealth's Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 within the preliminary assessment extent (PAE) of the Maranoa-Balonne-Condamine subregion determined as potentially water dependent (based on a literature review of habitat requirements)

Although examples of individual species are listed, bioregional assessments consider the potential impact to the habitat of species not individual species per se.

Listing status as of March 2015

Functional group

Asset namea




Fleay's Frog (Mixophyes fleayi)


Habitat features consistent with water dependency, associated with alluvium (river and creek flats) as well as upland sites


Australasian Bittern (Botaurus poiciloptilus)


Habitat features consistent with water dependency, species is wetland dependent

Australian Painted Snipe (Rostratula australis)


Habitat features consistent with water dependency, species is wetland dependent

Cattle Egret (Ardea ibis)

Marine; Migratory

Habitat features consistent with water dependency, species requires permanent water for roosting

Curlew Sandpiper (Calidris ferruginea)

Marine; Migratory

Habitat features consistent with water dependency, species is wetland dependent

Eastern Bristlebird (Dasyornis brachypterus)


Habitat features consistent with water dependency, associated with lowland habitats and wetlands

Fork-tailed Swift (Apus pacificus)

Marine; Migratory

Habitat features consistent with water dependency, associated with alluvium (river and creek flats) as well as upland sites

Great Egret (Ardea alba)

Marine; Migratory

Habitat features consistent with water dependency, species is wetland dependent

Latham's Snipe (Gallinago hardwickii)

Marine; Migratory

Habitat features consistent with water dependency, species is wetland dependent

Marsh Sandpiper (Tringa stagnatilis)

Marine; Migratory

Habitat features consistent with water dependency, species is wetland dependent

Osprey (Pandion haliaetus)

Marine; Migratory

Habitat features consistent with water dependency, species is wetland dependent

Red-capped Plover (Charadrius ruficapillus)


Habitat features consistent with water dependency, species is wetland dependent

Red-necked Avocet (Recurvirostra novaehollandiae)


Habitat features consistent with water dependency, species is wetland dependent

Red-necked Stint (Calidris ruficollis)

Marine; Migratory

Habitat features consistent with water dependency, species is wetland dependent

Red Goshawk (Erythrotriorchis radiatus)


Habitat features consistent with water dependency, associated with alluvium (river and creek flats) as well as upland sites

Regent Honeyeater (Anthochaera phrygia)


Habitat features consistent with water dependency, associated with groundwater-dependent riparian trees

Satin Flycatcher (Myiagra cyanoleuca)

Marine; Migratory

Habitat features consistent with water dependency, associated with alluvium (river and creek flats) as well as upland sites

Sharp-tailed Sandpiper (Calidris acuminata)

Marine; Migratory

Habitat features consistent with water dependency, species is wetland dependent

Spectacled Monarch (Monarcha trivirgatus)

Marine; Migratory

Habitat features consistent with water dependency, associated with riparian and alluvial sites

Star Finch (eastern) (Neochmia ruficauda ruficauda)


Habitat features consistent with water dependency, associated with groundwater-dependent riparian trees

Swift Parrot (Lathamus discolor)

Endangered and Marine

Habitat features consistent with water dependency, associated with groundwater-dependent riparian trees

White-bellied Sea-Eagle (Haliaeetus leucogaster)

Marine; Migratory

Habitat features consistent with demonstrated water dependency and are characterised by the presence of large areas of open water (larger rivers, swamps, lakes, the sea)

Wood Sandpiper (Tringa glareola)

Marine; Migratory

Habitat features consistent with water dependency, species is wetland dependent


Australian Lungfish (Neoceratodus forsteri)


Habitat features consistent with water dependency, species is wetland dependent


Boggomoss Snail (Adclarkia dawsonensis)


Habitat features consistent with water dependency, associated with riparian and alluvial sites


Grey-headed Flying-fox (Pteropus poliocephalus)


Habitat features consistent with water dependency, associated with alluvium (river and creek flats) as well as upland sites

Hastings River Mouse (Pseudomys oralis)


Habitat features consistent with water dependency, associated with alluvium (river and creek flats) as well as upland sites

Koala (Phascolarctos cinereus (combined populations of Queensland, NSW and the ACT))


Habitat features consistent with water dependency, associated with groundwater-dependent riparian trees

Spot-tailed Quoll (Dasyurus maculatus maculatus (SE mainland population))


Habitat features consistent with water dependency, associated with groundwater-dependent riparian trees


Belson's Panic (Homopholis belsonii)


Habitat features consistent with water dependency, prefers alluvial areas and/or drainage lines

Finger Panic Grass (Digitaria porrecta)


Habitat features consistent with water dependency, prefers dry to wet soils

Hairy-joint Grass (Arthraxon hispidus)


Habitat features consistent with water dependency, associated with alluvium (river and creek flats) as well as upland sites

Lloyd's Olive (Notelaea lloydii)


Habitat features consistent with water dependency, prefers dry to wet soils

Microcarpaea agonis


Habitat features consistent with water dependency, associated with lowland habitats and wetlands

Minute Orchid (Taeniophyllum muelleri)

Not listed

Habitat features consistent with water dependency, associated with riparian and alluvial sites

Salt Pipewort (Eriocaulon carsonii)


Habitat features consistent with water dependency, associated with mound springs

Siah's Backbone (Streblus pendulinus)


Habitat features consistent with water dependency, associated with riparian and alluvial sites

Slender Darling-pea (Swainsona murrayana)


Habitat features consistent with water dependency, associated with riparian and alluvial sites

Stream Clematis (Clematis fawcettii)


Habitat features consistent with water dependency, associated with riparian and alluvial sites

Wandering Pepper-cress (Lepidium peregrinum)


Habitat features consistent with water dependency, associated with riparian and alluvial sites


Collared Delma (Delma torquata)


Habitat features consistent with water dependency, associated with alluvium (river and creek flats) as well as upland sites

Dunmall's Snake (Furina dunmalli)


Habitat features consistent with water dependency, associated with alluvium (river and creek flats) as well as upland sites

Five-clawed Worm-skink (Anomalopus mackayi)


Habitat features consistent with demonstrated water dependency, associated with floodplain coolibah / black box vegetation

Ornamental Snake (Denisonia maculata)


Habitat features consistent with demonstrated water dependency, associated with floodplain coolibah / black box vegetation

Yakka Skink (Egernia rugosa)


Habitat features consistent with water dependency, associated with alluvium (river and creek flats) as well as upland sites

Data: Bioregional Assessment Programme (Dataset 6)

aPunctuation and typography appear as used in the asset database.

Table 10 Species listed under Queensland's Nature Conservation Act 1992 within the preliminary assessment extent (PAE) of the Maranoa-Balonne-Condamine subregion determined as potentially water dependent (based on a literature review of habitat requirements)

Although examples of individual species are listed, bioregional assessments consider the potential impact to the habitat of species not individual species per se.

Listing status as of March 2015

Functional group

Asset namea




Adelotus brevis


Habitat features consistent with water dependency, associated with riparian and alluvial sites

Giant Barred Frog, Southern Barred Frog (Mixophyes iteratus)


Habitat features consistent with water dependency, associated with riparian and alluvial sites

Litoria pearsoniana


Habitat features consistent with water dependency, associated with riparian and alluvial sites


Chalinolobus dwyeri


Habitat features consistent with water dependency, associated with alluvium (river and creek flats) as well as upland sites

Grantiella picta


Habitat features consistent with water dependency, associated with alluvium (river and creek flats) as well as upland sites

Lophochroa leadbeateri


Habitat features consistent with water dependency, associated with alluvium (river and creek flats) as well as upland sites

Poephila cincta cincta


Habitat features consistent with water dependency, associated with alluvium (river and creek flats) as well as upland sites


Ball Nut, Possum Nut, Big Nut, Beefwood (Floydia praealta)


Habitat features consistent with water dependency, associated with riparian and alluvial sites

Dasyurus maculatus maculatus


Habitat features consistent with water dependency, associated with groundwater-dependent riparian trees

Phascolarctos cinereus

Not listed

Habitat features consistent with water dependency, associated with alluvium (river and creek flats) as well as upland sites


Acacia pedleyi


Habitat features consistent with water dependency, associated with alluvium (river and creek flats) as well as upland sites

Corymbia petalophylla


Habitat features consistent with water dependency, associated with alluvium (river and creek flats) as well as upland sites

Eucalyptus dunnii

Near Threatened

Habitat features consistent with water dependency, associated with alluvium (river and creek flats) as well as upland sites

Fontainea venosa


Habitat features consistent with water dependency, associated with riparian and alluvial sites

Leptospermum oreophilum


Not enough habitat information to assess

Lesser Swamp-orchid (Phaius australis)


Habitat features consistent with water dependency, associated with riparian and alluvial sites

Melaleuca irbyana


Community demonstrates water dependency, intersects with maximum flood extent

Melaleuca williamsii subsp fletcheri


Habitat features consistent with water dependency, associated with riparian and alluvial sites

Picris barbarorum


Not enough habitat information to assess

Ricinocarpos speciosus


Habitat features consistent with water dependency, associated with riparian and alluvial sites

Samadera bidwillii


Habitat features consistent with water dependency, associated with alluvium (river and creek flats) as well as upland sites


Hemiaspis damelii


Habitat features consistent with water dependency, associated with riparian and alluvial sites

Tympanocryptis cf tetraporophora


Habitat features consistent with water dependency, associated with alluvium (river and creek flats) as well as upland sites

Data: Bioregional Assessment Programme (Dataset 1)

aPunctuation and typography appear as used in the asset database.

Protected and riparian areas

Of the remaining 95 assets in the 'Vegetation' subgroup classed as 'Habitat (potential species distribution)' and 'Riparian vegetation' classes, 73 are considered water dependent (Table 11), comprising:

Those assets that satisfy the water-dependent criteria outlined in Section are included in the water-dependent asset register. Of these 95 assets in the database, 22 are not considered water dependent and are excluded from the water-dependent asset register.

Table 11 Water-dependent assets from protected areas and rational for inclusion in the water-dependent asset register


Asset namea


Collaborative Australian Protected Area Database

Alton National Park

Contains assets identified as water dependent

Auburn River National Park

Intersects with Queensland floodplain mapping and contains assets identified as water dependent

Bendidee National Park

Contains areas of shallow groundwater less than 10 m and contains assets identified as water dependent

Boggomoss Nature Refuge

Contains areas of shallow groundwater less than 10 m and contains assets identified as water dependent

Bowman Park Koala Nature Refuge

Contains areas of shallow groundwater less than 10 m and contains assets identified as water dependent

Boyneside Nature Refuge

Intersects with Queensland floodplain mapping and contains assets identified as water dependent

Bunya Mountains National Park

Intersects with Queensland floodplain mapping, contains areas of shallow groundwater less than 10 m and contains assets identified as water dependent

Calingunee Nature Refuge

Contains areas of shallow groundwater less than 10 m and contains assets identified as water dependent

Carraba Conservation Park

Intersects with Queensland floodplain mapping, contains areas of shallow groundwater less than 10 m and contains assets identified as water dependent

Chinchilla Rifle Range Nature Refuge

Intersects with Queensland floodplain mapping and contains assets identified as water dependent

Coolmunda Conservation Park

Contains assets identified as water dependent

CR 'George' Telford Nature Refuge

Intersects with Queensland floodplain mapping and contains assets identified as water dependent

Crows Nest National Park

Intersects with Queensland floodplain mapping, contains areas of shallow groundwater less than 10 m and contains assets identified as water dependent

Dawson River Conservation Park

Intersects with Queensland floodplain mapping and contains assets identified as water dependent

Dwyers Scrub Conservation Park

Contains areas of shallow groundwater less than 10 m and contains assets identified as water dependent

Eversfield Station Nature Refuge

Intersects with Queensland floodplain mapping and contains assets identified as water dependent

Expedition (Limited Depth) National Park

Intersects with Queensland floodplain mapping, contains areas of shallow groundwater less than 10 m and contains assets identified as water dependent

Expedition Resources Reserve

Intersects with Queensland floodplain mapping and contains areas of shallow groundwater less than 10 m and contains assets identified as water dependent

Flagstone Creek Conservation Park

Contains areas of shallow groundwater less than 10 m and contains assets identified as water dependent

Gatton National Park

Contains areas of shallow groundwater less than 10 m and contains assets identified as water dependent

Highworth Bend Conservation Park

Intersects with Queensland floodplain mapping and contains assets identified as water dependent

Kalisha Nature Refuge

Contains areas of shallow groundwater less than 10 m and contains assets identified as water dependent

Lake Broadwater Conservation Park

Intersects with existing Australian National Aquatic Ecosystems or Queensland wetland mapping and contains assets identified as water dependent

Lake Broadwater Resources Reserve

Intersects with Queensland floodplain mapping and contains assets identified as water dependent

Lake Murphy Conservation Park

Intersects with Queensland floodplain mapping, contains areas of shallow groundwater less than 10 m and contains assets identified as water dependent

Long Grass Nature Refuge

Contains areas of shallow groundwater less than 10 m and contains assets identified as water dependent

Main Range National Park

Contains areas of shallow groundwater less than 10 m and contains assets identified as water dependent

Moorabinda Nature Refuge

Intersects with Queensland floodplain mapping, contains areas of shallow groundwater less than 10 m and contains assets identified as water dependent

Mount Rose Nature Refuge

Contains areas of shallow groundwater less than 10 m and contains assets identified as water dependent

Myall Park Nature Refuge

Intersects with existing Australian National Aquatic Ecosystems or Queensland wetland mapping, contains areas of shallow groundwater less than 10 m and contains assets identified as water dependent

Nyalar Miru_gan-ah Nature Refuge

Intersects with existing Australian National Aquatic Ecosystems or Queensland wetland mapping, contains areas of shallow groundwater less than 10 m and contains assets identified as water dependent

Old Hiddenvale Nature Refuge

Contains areas of shallow groundwater less than 10 m and contains assets identified as water dependent

Precipice National Park

Intersects with Queensland floodplain mapping and contains areas of shallow groundwater less than 10 m and contains assets identified as water dependent

Puntdaloo Nature Refuge

Contains assets identified as water dependent

Red Cap Hill Nature Refuge

Contains areas of shallow groundwater less than 10 m and contains assets identified as water dependent

Richard Underwood Nature Refuge

Intersects with Queensland floodplain mapping and contains assets identified as water dependent

Southwood National Park

Intersects with Queensland floodplain mapping, contains areas of shallow groundwater less than 10 m and contains assets identified as water dependent

Thornton View Nature Refuge

Contains areas of shallow groundwater less than 10 m and contains assets identified as water dependent

Walker's Wilderness Nature Refuge

Contains assets identified as water dependent

Willawa Nature Refuge

Intersects with Queensland floodplain mapping and contains assets identified as water dependent

Important Bird Areas

Bunya Mountains & Yarraman Important Bird Area

Intersects with Queensland floodplain mapping, contains areas of shallow groundwater less than 10 m and contains assets identified as water dependent

Scenic Rim Important Bird Area

Intersects with existing wetland mapping and contains assets identified as water dependent

Traprock Important Bird Area

Intersects with Queensland floodplain mapping, contains areas of shallow groundwater less than 10 m and contains assets identified as water dependent

Water Assessment Information Tool database

Bunya Mountains National Parkb

Intersects with Queensland floodplain mapping, contains areas of shallow groundwater less than 10 m and contains assets identified as water dependent

Crows Nest National Park

Intersects with Queensland floodplain mapping, contains areas of shallow groundwater less than 10 m and contains assets identified as water dependent

Floodplain Veg Aggregate - Condamine - Black Box (EEC Endangered Ecological Community)

Assumed to be water dependent

Floodplain Veg Aggregate - Moonie - Black Box (EEC Endangered Ecological Community)

Assumed to be water dependent

Gatton National Park

Contains areas of shallow groundwater less than 10 m and contains assets identified as water dependent

Lockyer National Park Ravensbourne National Park Lockyer Resources Reserve Lockyer State Forest

Intersects with existing Australian National Aquatic Ecosystems or Queensland wetland mapping, contains areas of shallow groundwater less than 10 m and contains assets identified as water dependent

Main Range National Park 1

Contains areas of shallow groundwater less than 10 m and contains assets identified as water dependent

St Ruths Reserve

Intersects with existing Australian National Aquatic Ecosystems or Queensland wetland mapping and contains assets identified as water dependent

Western Downs State Forests

Intersects with existing Australian National Aquatic Ecosystems or Queensland wetland mapping and contains assets identified as water dependent

Riparian habitatc

Assumed to be water dependent

Key Environmental Asset (KEA)

Lower Balonne System including the Culgoa, Birrie and Bokhara River systems

Assumed to be water dependent

Data: Australian Government Department of the Environment (Dataset 7, Dataset 8) and Birds Australia (Dataset 3)

aPunctuation and typography appear as used in the asset database.

bIncludes two separate listing for this park

cIncludes all 19 separate assets named riparian habitat

Groundwater-dependent ecosystems

As stated in Section, those GDEs sourced from the National atlas of groundwater dependent ecosystems identified from previous studies, or classified as having high or medium potential for groundwater interaction are included in the water-dependent asset register given the inherent uncertainty around GDE mapping in many areas (Bureau of Meteorology, 2012; Bureau of Meteorology, Dataset 4). Additionally, all of the GDEs identified in the Queensland Government GDE mapping (DSITIA, 2012, Dataset 11) are included in the asset register. Of the 66 subsurface GDEs (those that rely on the subsurface presence of groundwater), only 46 were classified as having medium or high potential for groundwater interaction and are included in the water-dependent asset register (Figure 6). Subsurface GDEs can include vegetation communities that interact with a groundwater system beneath the surface. A further 267 of the 282 surface GDEs (those that rely on the surface expression of groundwater) are included in the water-dependent asset register (Figure 7). These GDEs include vegetation communities that are associated with groundwater discharged to the surface as springs or baseflow such as vegetation in fringing waterways or wetlands.

Figure 6

Figure 6 Groundwater-dependent ecosystems that rely on the subsurface expression of groundwater

Data: Bioregional Assessment Programme (Dataset 1), Bureau of Meteorology (Dataset 4)

Figure 7

Figure 7 Groundwater-dependent ecosystems that rely on the surface expression of groundwater including surface water channels (surface line features) and vegetation communities (surface area features)

Data: Bioregional Assessment Programme (Dataset 1), Bureau of Meteorology (Dataset 4)

Figure 8

Figure 8 Groundwater-dependent ecosystems based on Queensland mapping including terrestrial and surface areas and surface points (Marsh, sedgeland, bog, spring or soak) and lines (stream segments)

Data: Bioregional Assessment Programme (Dataset 1), Department of Science, Information Technology, Innovation and the Arts (Dataset 11)

Last updated:
10 October 2018