1 Background and context


A large part of this submethodology is superseded by advances in methods for the bioregional assessments (BAs). Specifically, there is now no need to either generate receptors as spatial points across the landscape or to collate them into a receptor register. Instead, receptors are addressed spatially by the asset and landscape class spatial features (polygons, lines and points) and covered conceptually through the development of the landscape classes (product 2.3 (conceptual modelling)), the causal pathways (product 2.3 (conceptual modelling)) and the receptor impact modelling (product 2.7). They are then assessed spatially during the impact analysis using a regular grid of assessment units. Potential impacts on receptors are reported in aggregate via landscape class and asset profiles in product 3-4 (risk and impact analysis) and delivered as spatial datasets at data.gov.au.

As a consequence there is no requirement for a BA to produce a point-based receptor dataset or a receptor register. However, Chapter 3 of this submethodology is still relevant to conducting a BA as it refers to the conceptual basis and criteria for assigning receptors, which informs the relationship between receptors and other parts of the BA process. Chapter 3.2 provides the basis and approach to BA landscape classification, which is then applied to produce the landscape classes in product 2.3 (conceptual modelling).

A bioregional assessment (BA) is a scientific analysis, providing a baseline level of information on the ecology, hydrology, geology and hydrogeology of a bioregion with explicit assessment of the potential impacts of coal resource development on water and water-dependent assets. The Methodology for bioregional assessments of the impacts of coal seam gas and coal mining development on water resources (the BA methodology; Barrett et al., 2013) provides the scientific and intellectual basis for undertaking BAs. It is further supported by a series of submethodologies of which this is one. Together, the submethodologies ensure consistency in approach across the BAs and document how the BA methodology has been implemented. Any deviations from the approach described in the BA methodology and submethodologies are to be noted in any technical products based upon its application.

A critical part of the BA requires the definition of a system that links the water and water-dependent assets to the changes in hydrology due to coal resource development. The defined system is based on the concept of spatially located receptors. This submethodology applies overarching principles outlined in the BA methodology to the specifics of assigning receptors to assets and creating product 1.4 (description of the receptor register) (see Table 2 for details of BA products) and the receptor register, which is a simple and authoritative list of receptors in a specific BA.

To provide context for this submethodology, Section 1.1 provides an overview of an entire BA from end to end, and the key concepts and relationships between activities within components. See Figure 3 for a simple diagram of the BA components. See Figure 4 for a more detailed diagram of the BA process that includes all the submethodologies, supporting workshops and technical products.

Figure 3

Figure 3 The components in a bioregional assessment

Figure 4

Figure 4 A bioregional assessment from end to end, showing the relationship between the workflow, technical products, submethodologies and workshops

CRDP = coal resource development pathway, HRVs = hydrological response variables, RIVs = receptor impact variables

Last updated:
12 December 2018