User panel guidelines

The purpose of the Geological and Bioregional Assessments (GBA) program, User Panel Guidelines is to outline the key underlying  principles that underpin the design of the user panels in each of the three GBA regions. These key principles are aligned with the intended outcomes of the user panels within the GBA program:

Intended Outcomes

Key Design Principles

Building legitimacy and trust

  • Early engagement
  • Trust

Governing risk

  • Representation on Panels
  • Fair process

Enabling transparency

  • Informed participation
  • Effective communication


The GBA User Panel Guidelines report is separated into 5 chapters:

  1. Introduction and structure
  2. A brief literature review of community and stakeholder engagement with regard to resource development industries
  3. User Panels in the GBA program, the intended outcomes and anticipated limitations
  4.  Key design principles for effective GBA Basin user panels
  5. Monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of the GBA Basin user panels.
Last updated:
25 October 2021